Thread: F'ing THIEVES!

  1. #1

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    F'ing THIEVES!

    Watch your purses...I had my wallet stolen when I was at the grocery store. I rarely leave it in the seat of the basket, but I had put together a flat (12 cans in the cardboard tray) for my cart and needed both hands. A man came over, speaking poor English (supposedly) and seemed to be confused about some cat food he needed to pick up for his boss. He was distracting, and I thought it odd, but left shortly. I didn't discover it missing until I was checking out. The store folks were helpful about getting information from me, where I was when I thought it was taken and a description of the fellow so they could get surveillance video reviewed. Bill texted me the phone number for reporting my card before he drove up to cover the purchases on another card. When I called, the gal got my info and said the card would be cancelled and that I had to call Monday to get a replacement. When I got home, I checked online and saw there were two large charges pending from Best Buy, so I called back and reported the fraud. This woman was much more thorough and helpful, and told me that the card would actually be replaced automatically and should arrive in 7-10 days. I'm going to call the Best Buy location that I think they went to (closer to the theft site) and let them know the charges are reported as fraud, and see if they might have footage of the perps.

    I'm supposed to get a call from the police so I can file a report - I couldn't file the report online because it involved the theft of the credit card.

    Of course, I have to replace my license, my Medicare card, my retiree insurance card from the university, and my AAA card (those are the most important) - oh, and my COVID vaccine card, because I had it when I was travelling on the train if I needed it. Ugh -so much to do...
    Be Happy Now.

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  3. #2

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    Oh, I'm so sorry. I had my card hacked one time -- what a PIA that was, and I didn't have all that other stuff to replace. Don't forget to change any auto-payments you have on that card (like your phone), and any connected accounts like PayPal, etc.

    I lost my license one time -- here in SC I was able to get a replacement online. That might save you a trip.

    Last edited by kjwent; 10-21-2022 at 11:37 AM.

  4. #3

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    I replaced my DL in person - my photo (printed temporary) makes me look like an old man, LOL. I didn't think my hair was pulled back that much. Replacement Visa card is on the way. Replaced my Medicare and UT Retirement Insurance cards online. A few more to get, but so far, so good.

    Interesting side note - My sweetie had lunch with his friend yesterday, and she said last week she noticed a guy, similar to my description of the potential thief, in another grocery store (Aldi), in the pet food aisle! She said he didn't seem to be buying anything, and she saw him later with a woman, hanging out near the checkout area, but neither had any purchases. She said he seemed creepy to her. So we sent an email to the detective assigned to my case, regarding the similarities in pattern. Weird that someone I knew had a brush (potentially) with this experience.
    Be Happy Now.

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