Nothing in my life can ever go right!
Got a job in a different state and had to sell my house. I thought it was going to take awhile but over the weekend I got a GREAT offer-just below my asking price. My house was only on the market just under 2 months. The problem...the people need to close by Dec 31st because of some deal they got and their lease is up on their apt then too. I have been looking for houses and actually found one only to have it taken off the market last week (my realtor checked and they are not interested in selling now)! I have looked at almost 50 homes in that area. I have seen it all. I cant rent because I have 3 large breed dogs and I have to find a place in the school district that my DS will be going to school in. Oh and then there is the school issue.....they told me that they cannot have him start until the end of January which is the end of their quarter. Which is fine because thats right in line with our end of quarter but I have to move before then!!!!! So I am gonna be living out of my car with my DS and 3 dogs and probably have to home school for a few weeks. Which is a laugh.
I am just waiting to find out what the heck is next. LOL
11-23-2010 12:37 PM
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Find out if you can board your dogs somewhere near by there and see about a local decent motel, renting one of their kitchenette units for the month, they may be willing to give you a good deal! sorry its being such a mess!
The Following User Says Thank You to freeby4me For This Useful Post:
You should rent a house or a duplex. If you talk to the landlord they usually allow pets and is flexible, and tell them that you will be renting for a short amount of time. You usually need to put a deposit down for the dogs, but I find them more flexible than apartment renting. HTHs, and by the way, you are lucky that you sold your house (very envious!), I tried selling my house back 1 year ago and not a single bite.
The Following User Says Thank You to Qtxann315 For This Useful Post:
Your glass is more than half full! Selling your house at almost asking, in a short time, in this market is amazing. Just imagine if everything else fell into place except that! You got over the biggest hurdle!!!!
Just keep looking and keep your options open, you will find something that suits you. Just keep the faith, you're almost there. Good luck!
Mrs Pepperpot is a lady who always copes with the tricky situations that she finds herself in....
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to pepperpot For This Useful Post:
baragabrat (11-24-2010),dinosmom (11-26-2010)