1. #1
    jeanea33's Avatar
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    Cash Funded Paypal

    Not a vent or a whine. I would call it fustration. The ones on here that sell,
    would sell so much more if they excepted credit card funded paypal. I would have bought so many things on this fourm, but because I dont keep cash laying around paypal I can't. It's really frustrating to find something your interested in. You cant buy for that reason. I know there are fees involved. If you sell anywhere else they charge fees. Honestly dont get it.
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    Do you mean if the people on this site (BBF) accepted paypal paid by credit card you'd have bought more?

    There has been a few times I really wanted something and I PM'ed the person and offered non-funded paypal and I paid extra for the fee's.

    You can also PM them, tell them what you're interested in and ask them to hold the item until the money in your account gets transfered.
    Most of the sellers on this site are awesome and are more than willing to work with ya.

  4. #3
    whatever's Avatar
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    I haven't sold anything in AGES. But I think people do it here because they don't incorporate the fees. At ebay for instance say you want to get $2 out of something. You may up it to $2.25 to start to help recoup the fees etc.
    Does that make sense?
    So I agree if you pm'd them and offered to pay the fees I would be they would have no problem with you buying it. JMHO
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  5. #4
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    yes, charge me the fees, and I will buy. I don't, because it usually states funded paypal only!

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    Quote Originally Posted by jasmine View Post
    yes, charge me the fees, and I will buy. I don't, because it usually states funded paypal only!
    So what, PM them and ask! Only then, can they say no. Most people are not willing to pay the fee's, thats why they put that in there.

    You could also ask them to hold it until some money transfers to your account.

  7. #6
    sunniekiss's Avatar
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    I just don't get Paypal at all. I have enough money in my paypal account yet whenever I buy something on ebay I click to pay with Paypal, they take the money from my checking account. WHY??? I want to us ethe funds I have there so why do an e-check??? Can you say I have had e-nough??
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunniekiss View Post
    I just don't get Paypal at all. I have enough money in my paypal account yet whenever I buy something on ebay I click to pay with Paypal, they take the money from my checking account. WHY??? I want to us ethe funds I have there so why do an e-check??? Can you say I have had e-nough??
    I guess it's backswards with mine then, cause when I buy off ebay it always uses up my paypal balance before it starts taking out of my other option of payment, you can always click that button to use another option of payment if you want before you submit payment for ebay stuff, I change my option of payments all the time cause I have like 3 different options of where the money can be taken out of.

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    I accept any form. To be completely honest I would rather people pay me the "old fashioned" way because then I can print the postage right here online and stick it in my mailbox. The only way to print at USPS website is if you pay for priority. Otherwise I have to go to the post office and with me working full time it is harder for me to get to the post office. I'd rather pay the fee that Paypal charges. Plus you get a small break on shipping costs if you print online.

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    It's the way you have your account set up. You need to change the "method of payment" to "paypal balance" instead of your checking account.

    Quote Originally Posted by sunniekiss View Post
    I just don't get Paypal at all. I have enough money in my paypal account yet whenever I buy something on ebay I click to pay with Paypal, they take the money from my checking account. WHY??? I want to us ethe funds I have there so why do an e-check??? Can you say I have had e-nough??

  11. #10
    ahippiechic's Avatar
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    Yes, it's that way at a lot of places. I would buy more also if more people accepted CC PP.
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    alot of the pay-pal now is credit cards,i know my account goes through my checking account,but they also have my c.c info-i deal with all of them c.c. cayor,money orders,the one i dont like is checks,cause i have been burn'd alot with them-
    pay-pal anymore ,is getting harder for folks to use,it has to be cash,credit cards,or it comes straight from peoples checking accounts.
    i agree with the above posters,most of the time if you just ask people,they are willing to work something out with ya.

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