get you a camera phone
Originally Posted by
OMG!! that is so wrong, in such a good way, lol!!
and next time you go in and see her too close again , video it and try not to let them see , then show him the video when he gets home and ask him to explain,,,,,,,,,,, im sorry but if hes not putting a stop to it , then its time to show him what you mean, and explain your not happy about his avoiding the issue, its time to talk with the evidence in your hands not in his memory of the situation , if hes innocent , he ll get it when he sees what you see. if hes guilty he ll make excuses and thats the time you go to the boss and ask her to be put on a different shift . or have his shift changed , or you ll file a complaint.......... you can do that in some situations.
then id give his aaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssss,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hell....
my son joshua when he was 18 now deceased in 2002 , always remembered always loved
10-25-2009 10:41 PM
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