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    Re: They are wanting to make the HPV vaccine mandatory in schools

    Quote Originally Posted by EMSnurse View Post
    Most of us took our children to be vaccinated for the typical childhood illnesses and never questioned our physician. We knew we didn't want our child to die of a horrid disease. As a matter of fact, we immunize our children against mumps and measles, not exactly death sentences. Because this particular one has to do with sex, all of the sudden it seems there are a lot of folks who do find it acceptable for their kids to die of cervical cancer. While their daughters are lying in a hospice dying, their mothers can proudly say that they didn't encourage them to have sex by offering protection. None of us want promiscuous children, but they are human and will do what humans do. Is it right to let them die simply because we don't approve of their choices? We are talking about adolescents, and I don't know very many who can make choices in the same manner as an adult. As parents, it is our job to protect them. Stop and think about it. Maybe we don't give our daughter the vaccine, and continue to teach abstinence. Maybe she listens, and is a virgin on her wedding night. Maybe the man she marries has HPV.
    I agree with what you are saying completely. The only thing I would be hesitant about IF I had daughters would just be there isn't enough info long term for me.
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    Re: They are wanting to make the HPV vaccine mandatory in schools

    You make a good point EMSnurse! Like YankeeMary, it's the long term info that isn't available because this is a new vaccination. But like I said before, I do have 2 daughters and will be looking into this seriously.
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    Re: They are wanting to make the HPV vaccine mandatory in schools

    Glad my dd is only three so we have time to see. But if this thing proves to be safe then whats a few hundred bucks for my Daughters health?

    I do believe saying that vaccines cause autism is a stretch by a long shot. I have a friend who has refused all vaccines since birth for her child because of the autism thing. I feel that is just plain crazy!

  5. #26
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    Re: They are wanting to make the HPV vaccine mandatory in schools

    Ok, I am now starting to find this humorous. We are talking about government MANDATING that this vaccine be taken by young girls. This means that you will not have a choice as to whether your daughter takes the vaccine or not. Doesn't this fall under that little "I don't want the government telling me what to do with my body?" category? Well fine, they aren't telling you, they are telling your daughter's. And don't you find it amazing that they aren't jumping on the bandwagon and speeding up the vaccine on the guys? What is the difference between HPV in a female and HPV in a male? Same virus.

    I have had cervical cancer, twice. I still would not want my daughter to take this vaccine, especially since the government and drug companies have rushed it onto the market for females only. Right now our family is dealing with the declining health of my sister and my nephew due to a vaccine that the government MADE them take. I don't think I will trust them on this one.
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    Re: They are wanting to make the HPV vaccine mandatory in schools

    Quote Originally Posted by tammy77 View Post
    I dont know how old you are,when you started having sex,or if you were a virgin when you got married(its none of my business)but please go back and think about what you wrote.When you are in the heat of the moment you arent going to stop the other person and ask if they have any STDs,of course they wont tell you if they do.Also you arent going to stop in the heat of the moment and tell the other person they need to get tested before you will have sex with them.Abstaining is a joke.I didnt know many people when I was a teen that was still a virgin.These are all thing we wish children and teens would do but the majority of the time its not going to happen.People dont think before they act and we all make mistakes.No I wasnt a virgin when I got married and I did some stupid stuff in my past thats why I know what you are saying just isnt the norm.As far as condoms go.You can give condoms to them but who is to say they will use them.Plus if condoms and Abstaining really worked all the time then we wouldnt have teen pregnancies and STDs would be dying out.
    I never said I believed in abstaining before marriage and no I did not. But you would think you'd know if your with a person for awhile before doing it. Like your asking for a disease if you have a one night stand. But if you're in a relationship for at least around a month that's plenty of time to know about their history. I certainly don't believe in waiting too short or waiting too long but it's everybodys choice and they'll all be affected likewise. And people who think before hand are those that are better off. The least people could do is use a condom otherwise they're just plain stupid if it is a one night stand. Just like you said you can give the person a condom but who's to say they will USE them. Instead then they'll get another std of some other sort instead of hpv which is just as bad. Sorry but I never went around with a hundred guys when I was younger and I thought before I acted of consequences. Everybodys different I guess.

    Also more pertaining to the thread I don't think it should be MANDATED for school but more of an OPTION. Who's to say at what age to make it mandated?
    Last edited by silvermist; 01-27-2007 at 10:30 PM.

  7. #28
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    Re: They are wanting to make the HPV vaccine mandatory in schools

    We are basically talking teens here, I truly doubt STDs are even discussed, if so its very easy to say no I don't have anything, and truly believe you don't, yet you have lets say HIV, that doesn't show up for years. I would like to think that most adults (at least now days) know their partners more then a month before they have unprotected sex. To many dangers not to know them longer and I would also like to think that everyone is tested before hand, which I know doesn't happen, but it sure would save alot of heartache later if one or the other were infected.
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    Re: They are wanting to make the HPV vaccine mandatory in schools

    Quote Originally Posted by YankeeMary View Post
    We are basically talking teens here, I truly doubt STDs are even discussed, if so its very easy to say no I don't have anything, and truly believe you don't, yet you have lets say HIV, that doesn't show up for years. I would like to think that most adults (at least now days) know their partners more then a month before they have unprotected sex. To many dangers not to know them longer and I would also like to think that everyone is tested before hand, which I know doesn't happen, but it sure would save alot of heartache later if one or the other were infected.
    I would like to agree with you but I know so many adults that so don't know the person they are sleeping with and I know I have a friend that I really worry about because she is shall we say the sleep around queen
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    Re: They are wanting to make the HPV vaccine mandatory in schools

    SO many people don't realize they are infected because they have no symptoms at 1st, especially men. And so many people know they are infected but choose not to tell.

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    Cool Re: They are wanting to make the HPV vaccine mandatory in schools

    EMS nurse, I totally agree with you.

    When it comes to sex, it's a totally different story. Yes, you want to teach your kids to abstain from sex until they're ready, or until your religion makes it acceptable to do so, whatever. But the simple fact is that the biological urge to have sex is a powerful one. It takes a LOT of self control to deny that urge. How many tearful or apologetic ministers, politicians, spouses, etc. have you seen on tv for the very reason? Or take a trip to any maternity ward---the little beauties there are evidence of unprotected sex, or protected sex gone awry, lol. Most adults can't rein in their hormones, and kids are even less likely to do so. But here in America, the sexual repression runs deep. There is sex EVERYWHERE---TV, music, literature, and art is drenched with it. Billion dollar porn industry, but no one watches it. Have you ever come across someone who is painfully uncomfortable talking about sex or normal sexual functions? I have, plenty of times. I'm not talking about lurid sexual details, just factual clinical discussion. I do think that I remember some people getting upset over a post on this forum asking for help with a genitourinary problem. While we all consciously know that sex is normal, some are taught that it, and the body parts it involves, are things to be ashamed of. Sex is swept under the rug, and denied. I choose not to deny it. I will teach my daughter to abstain until she is ready, and hopefully that will be a LOOONNNGGG time from now. But if I can insure my car and my home against unforeseeable accidents, then I sure as heck can do the same for my daughter's life with regards to cervical cancer.

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    Re: They are wanting to make the HPV vaccine mandatory in schools

    Quote Originally Posted by silvermist View Post
    I never said I believed in abstaining before marriage and no I did not. But you would think you'd know if your with a person for awhile before doing it. Like your asking for a disease if you have a one night stand. But if you're in a relationship for at least around a month that's plenty of time to know about their history. I certainly don't believe in waiting too short or waiting too long but it's everybodys choice and they'll all be affected likewise. And people who think before hand are those that are better off. The least people could do is use a condom otherwise they're just plain stupid if it is a one night stand. Just like you said you can give the person a condom but who's to say they will USE them. Instead then they'll get another std of some other sort instead of hpv which is just as bad. Sorry but I never went around with a hundred guys when I was younger and I thought before I acted of consequences. Everybodys different I guess.

    Also more pertaining to the thread I don't think it should be MANDATED for school but more of an OPTION. Who's to say at what age to make it mandated?
    You can be dating or married for years and still end up with an STD.You never know if the person you are with will ever end up cheating on you.You dont get STDs just from one night stands.

  13. #33
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    Re: They are wanting to make the HPV vaccine mandatory in schools

    I was even told by a doctor years ago that you an get some from a toilet seat. People can also be carriers & not even know they have an STD.

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