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  1. #12

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    Re: How do you deal with a nasty neighbor?

    I would pick up his dogs mess and put it at his door where he walks out. Hopefully he will step in it. I had this problem with a neighbor down the street and after they came to my house and complained about what I had done, I called the cops to my house. I asked how they knew it was me and they admitted that their dog poops on my property. I then forced the cop to write a ticket for the violation of their dog beiing loose and then for them not cleaning up after their pooch. The cop hesitated but I reminded him it was a county law and he had to abide or I would file a complaint against him and sue the village. he complied.

    I would also call and make complaints about him. No matter how trivial. If your small town is afraid of them, then call the county or the state police. I also know for fact, that if you make 911 calls saying it sounds like he is beating someone up, or you see him in the yard naked or he is in the yard beating an old man, even if it is not true, there is nothing they can do to you about making false 911 calls. They need to prove it was false and even if your neighbor can prove it isn't true, they cannot prove you did not see or hear what you reported. I have been going thru this for years with someone and I can get no justice because "They need to maintain the integrity of the 911 system." Making it ok to harass a person using it.

    I say fight fire with fire. It worked for me with my ex neighbor. He found it easier to move than to deal with me.


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    Re: How do you deal with a nasty neighbor?

    Kill him with kindness..... literally.
    The time is always right to do what is right. ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 1929-1968

  4. #14
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    Re: How do you deal with a nasty neighbor?

    I would still consider moving, sooner or later everyone moves and think of it as you are bettering yourself with a better home and neighbors. From what you describe, any neighbor would be better then this guy
    A wise man once said - if given enough rope, one will eventually hang themself

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    Re: How do you deal with a nasty neighbor?

    Thanks for all the answers. I do have a fence, but like a garden fence. I think I will buy a piece at a time of privacy fence until I decide whether we might move or not. I definitely know we can't for another couple of years. When I said family home/area, my grandmother had lived side by side to this man and them my mother lived on the other side of her mom-then with me being above him. Anyway, one time when they had the other dog, my mother did that same thing-kept it for 4 days and then took it over at night and dumped it. Nothing was ever said or done to her. I was waiting for it, as I tried to talk my mom out of it, fearing it would make it worse.

    The two said kill him with kindness. I tried that once for over a year, but it did not work. I had an aunt who had an older neighbor that it did work for once-she thinks he was lonely and did it for attention. I tried things like complimenting their flowers, took mixed-up mail over, told them things like if their car lights were left on, so their battery wouldn't go dead, even gave them fudge I made. Tried to make small talk,etc.

  6. #16
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    Re: How do you deal with a nasty neighbor?

    Quote Originally Posted by groundy
    Thanks for all the answers. I do have a fence, but like a garden fence. I think I will buy a piece at a time of privacy fence until I decide whether we might move or not. I definitely know we can't for another couple of years. When I said family home/area, my grandmother had lived side by side to this man and them my mother lived on the other side of her mom-then with me being above him. Anyway, one time when they had the other dog, my mother did that same thing-kept it for 4 days and then took it over at night and dumped it. Nothing was ever said or done to her. I was waiting for it, as I tried to talk my mom out of it, fearing it would make it worse.

    The two said kill him with kindness. I tried that once for over a year, but it did not work. I had an aunt who had an older neighbor that it did work for once-she thinks he was lonely and did it for attention. I tried things like complimenting their flowers, took mixed-up mail over, told them things like if their car lights were left on, so their battery wouldn't go dead, even gave them fudge I made. Tried to make small talk,etc.
    That's to bad then.... you know he is probably just miserable and you know what they say... "misery loves company."
    The time is always right to do what is right. ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 1929-1968

  7. #17

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    Re: How do you deal with a nasty neighbor?

    This might sound too simplistic, but as stupid as this sounds, write the man a letter, or even better, go over there with some cookies and say that you need a truce. Somehow, this man is aggitated with you, and the first thing you should do is kill him with kindness. I'm not telling you to kiss his butt, but go over there and know what you are going to say. You shouldn't have to move to have a good life. I also like the idea of writing the letter and just put it in his mailbox or on his porch. Tell him that you feel like you have been feuding long enough and you need this to be resolved for your own sanity.

    If this doesn't work, you might just have to get that fence. Good luck and God Bless.

    Side note- I forgot to read all the responses before I posted mine. I do with you the best of luck. He just seems like a lonely, hateful person.
    Last edited by freebiegrl22; 07-13-2006 at 03:56 PM.
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  8. #18

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    Re: How do you deal with a nasty neighbor?

    If you write a letter DO NOT put it in his mailbox unless you send it thru the post office. it is a crime and as nasty as he is he'll call the cops..


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