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    Re: Health Insurance

    I guess it goes by income and family size. My husband is on disability. We have 2 kids at home. He has his Medicare. FL has a state program called Healthy Kids for those with no insurance and I enrolled mine in it years ago. Co-pays are only a few dollars and prescriptions are free depending on which plan you are given. I don't work; I am my husband's caregiver, but I do go to school also. Medicare pays for a nurse's aid to be with my husband while I am at school. I qualify for a state insurance plan that I have to pay $100 out of pocket every month, and the insuance covers the rest. I will probably lose that when my son turns 18 which is in August, but he will be a senior in high school so I don't know if they will pay for him for another year.
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    Re: Health Insurance

    What a great program. Illinois pays until the age of 19 or until they graduate whichever comes first. But if you graduate early it will pay til 19 as long as you are a full time student.

    My hubby and I go to the VA since we are both veterans. I wish they had a program for college kids. My oldest has an additional $3k added to his tuition and fees for medical because he is an athlete. But it only pays 80%. My other son uses student services and so far it has been free. They gave him Imitrex for his migraines for free and they are over $15 a pill here.

    In Illinois they have a Kid Care program for families earning up to 60K a year. If we earned that much we wouldn't need it. But this program was implemented at the expense and demise of another program which paid for child care for woman who work and are at poverty level. I thought this was wrong. So now alot of these working woman have to go on welfare. What a joke.

    What I do not understand is how one government agency says we are responsible for thew kids until 22 while students yet they do not qualify for anythiing because they ARE students and over 18. They make it impossible unless of course you are on welfare. Those on welfare get it all, money,food,housing,energy assistance,medical,dental,optical. They receive more in handouts than alot of us working poor earn. But because we are working we are not eligible. $2 too much. What a joke. $150 a week for a family of 4 is comsidered in Illinois too much for these programs.


  4. #36
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    Re: Health Insurance

    Quote Originally Posted by hblueeyes
    In Illinois they have a Kid Care program for families earning up to 60K a year.
    Wow! Wish they had that here. I was making $8/hr (less than $20k a year) and didn't qualify for SQUAT. The kids do have health insurance through their father (even though it sucks), but I wasn't able to get ANY other kind of assistance. I did get slightly reduced childcare. However, I got a 50¢ raise and they did away with my childcare assistance completely.

    I finally got remarried and even though our incomes combined were less than $50k, we didn't even qualify for any type of funds when buying our first home. I guess the price of living is probably a lot lower here than in most places, but man I had it rough when I was a single mom.

  5. #37
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    Re: Health Insurance

    Quote Originally Posted by taylyn
    I Know all to Well about Health Insurance, Co pays , Lack of money Etc, etc, Etc.
    Then why did you ask such a ridiculous question?

  6. #38
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    Re: Health Insurance

    Quote Originally Posted by kyswpgrl
    Wow! Wish they had that here. I was making $8/hr (less than $20k a year) and didn't qualify for SQUAT. The kids do have health insurance through their father (even though it sucks), but I wasn't able to get ANY other kind of assistance. I did get slightly reduced childcare. However, I got a 50¢ raise and they did away with my childcare assistance completely.

    I finally got remarried and even though our incomes combined were less than $50k, we didn't even qualify for any type of funds when buying our first home. I guess the price of living is probably a lot lower here than in most places, but man I had it rough when I was a single mom.
    been there done that being a single mom is really hard when you dont make much money.....tried to get help when I was a single mom. I made $5.15 working 26 hours a week (was taking 18 hours college at the time) and I couldnt get any help at all.........because even though they KNEW my ex wasnt paying his child support it was STILL counted against me I finally got the state to just take it out of his check thought I was getting back on my feet when he quit his job so he could lower his support LOL now remarried hubby works I stay at home with our 2 children together and we make almost enough to get by and dont qualify for anything but thats alright still way better than where I was before what didnt kill me made me stronger
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  7. #39
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    Re: Health Insurance

    Quote Originally Posted by PrincessArky
    been there done that being a single mom is really hard when you dont make much money.....tried to get help when I was a single mom. I made $5.15 working 26 hours a week (was taking 18 hours college at the time) and I couldnt get any help at all.........because even though they KNEW my ex wasnt paying his child support it was STILL counted against me I finally got the state to just take it out of his check thought I was getting back on my feet when he quit his job so he could lower his support LOL now remarried hubby works I stay at home with our 2 children together and we make almost enough to get by and dont qualify for anything but thats alright still way better than where I was before what didnt kill me made me stronger
    Same here. Ex-dh was supposed to pay $600/mth in child support, plus half of childcare, and I wasn't getting a penny. Even though he wasn't paying, they counted it against me. After I remarried (and 7 months of not a single payment), I finally went to child support. It took another 4 months before I got any money, but now it gets taken from his check weekly and direct deposited into my account. I really wish I could afford to stay at home now, but can't because of health insurance and mortgage payment.

  8. #40
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    Re: Health Insurance

    Quote Originally Posted by killbarney
    Nope, not being sarcastic. It can also be called a crack pipe-there are several different designs(one of the fun things you learn when doing a psych rotation in a drug rehab facility-at least I have a head start on my kids when they become teenagers, but things will change sooo much) and generally can be used to smoke different things, including crack-just as the link Kyla provided says.
    i hate to beat a dead horse but all of the crack heads i've met use a crack pipe or a beer/soda can and the pot heads use a bowl, bong, joint, or blunt. crack heads would prolly not like using a bowl used for pot to smoke their crack because of the pot resin remaining in it unless they were also pot heads. nope, i'm not a pot or crack head.......just worked in a jail medical center with alot of them.

    and yes, they are both illegal but while cocaine and crack will definatley get you a ticket to the big house MOST of the time because it's a felony to possess ANY amount...marijuana possession will most likely not get you into jail unless it's over an ounce unless the person is already on probation or has other mitigating factors.
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  9. #41
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    Re: Health Insurance

    Quote Originally Posted by Njean31
    i hate to beat a dead horse but all of the crack heads i've met use a crack pipe or a beer/soda can and the pot heads use a bowl, bong, joint, or blunt. crack heads would prolly not like using a bowl used for pot to smoke their crack because of the pot resin remaining in it unless they were also pot heads. nope, i'm not a pot or crack head.......just worked in a jail medical center with alot of them.

    and yes, they are both illegal but while cocaine and crack will definatley get you a ticket to the big house MOST of the time because it's a felony to possess ANY amount...marijuana possession will most likely not get you into jail unless it's over an ounce unless the person is already on probation or has other mitigating factors.
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  10. #42
    migirlfriday's Avatar
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    Re: Health Insurance

    I don't know for sure how this works, but don't the big insurance companies have a pay schedule that tells the doctors, dentists, etc. how much they will pay for certain procedures? I thought that was the case. If so, then I can see where the cash payers would end up paying more in some cases. I could be completely off base.

    Last I knew of Medicaid here in Michigan is that you have to have had so much in medical expenses for the previous so many months and then they will issue you coverage for however long (pretty vague, sorry). That was a long time ago though and I don't remember the income limits.

    p.s. I am glad to say that I do have good insurance through work right now and not expensive, but it is being looked at and I think I will be paying more real soon. Regarding the pot and crack stuff. When I was younger and stupider, I smoked pot and we used to use a beer can sometimes if we didn't have any papers, so I guess pot can be smoked out of crack pipes and crack can be smoked out of pot pipes. lol I just had to comment on all that!
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  11. #43

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    Re: Health Insurance

    OK here goes. I live in Georgia. I work for the only level 1 trauma center for over 300 miles. I do financial aid for people without insurance and some who do have insurance. We write anywhere for 10% of the hospital bill to 100%.

    To know how much of a of a write patients will receive, we do an IBHAP(income based hospital assistance program). How much is written off depends on household size and amount of people in household.

    Medicaid is very hard to qualify for. There are 5 basic things an adult must meet the requirements for.
    A) very low income
    D)have dependent children in your home
    E)be disabled
    For any Medicaid program you must meet the income requirements and have one of the other 4 things I listed above. Medicaid's income requirements here are based on Federal Poverty Guidelines.

    There are many uninsured people in the area of Georgia I live. A lot of employers do not offer health insurance. Some company's weekly, biweekly, or monthly premiums are more than most employees can pay. My husband pays $193.00 weekly for 2 people to be covered by health insurance. There is a flat $1000.00 deductable. A $50.00 plus 20% ER copay. A $10.00 plus 20% doctors visit copay. Hospital visits or stays are paid at 80 %. Nothing will be paid until thre $1000.00 deductable is met. Most of my 12 monthly precriptions copays are a minium fo $30.00 a rx.

    I am very fortunate that our daughter is covered by a medicaid like program called Peachcare. Peachcare has the same benfits as Medicaid, only difference is the income limits are a great deal higher for Peachcare. A family of 4 can make $44,000.00 yearly and qualify for their children to be covered at a nominal price monthly. The most a family will have to pay is $35.00 monthly per child. There are no deductabkes or copays as of this time.

    To qualify for Peachcare you must a have income of 235% or less of the Feder
    Persons in family unit guideline
    1................................................. ...... $9,800
    2................................................. ...... 13,200
    3................................................. ...... 16,600
    4................................................. ...... 20,000
    5................................................. ...... 23,400
    6................................................. ...... 26,800
    7................................................. ...... 30,200
    8................................................. ...... 33,600
    For family units with more than 8 persons, add $3,400 for each
    additional person.
    al Povery Guideline.
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    Re: Health Insurance

    I wonder since Medicaid is a federal program how the requirements can vary from state to state. In Illinois if you have no children you get nothing. If you have children you may end up with nothing. I think this should be standardized.


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