Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

Originally Posted by
Urban Cowgirl
I have question for those of you who have benn through this. How do you get them trained through the night? DD does fine during the day and during nap, but we still have to use a pull up at night, more often than not she wets. should I be waking her up in the night to go potty?
No drinks before bedtime. Make a point to set your alarm, and make them get up sometime in the night and go potty. You might want to watch them and see how long between potty trips during the day before you decide when to get up with them, or, if you get up, or DH does during the night, make them go too. Also, make sure they go potty right at bedtime.
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Quaker Parrot & African Grey lover
06-02-2006 02:41 AM
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Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)
Maybe he wants to be done with diapers. Now that the weather is getting warm...perhaps walking around without a diaper will be the answer for a while. Do you have a potty seat you can stick in his room? I agree that you need to start "bribing" him with somehting. I also used m&m's.
Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

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One thing you may want to try is having him clean it up, tell him that if he poops on the floor again, you will give him the stuff to clean it up, then give him a rag and some water, let him do his best, then when he is busy go back and clean it the right way. A friend of mine did this and her son only pooped 1 time after she told him its his job to clean it up, he was about 26 mths old at the time.
I agree with this advice. You don't want it to be punitive, since that'll only discourage him more. But he needs to know that there is a place for poop, and that's in the toilet. Matter-of-factly explain that to him and tell him that you expect him to put things in their proper place, just like he would be expected to do if he left a toy sitting in the middle of the floor. I'll bet after a couple times having to clean up after himself, he will realize that you're serious and recognize that it's just easier if he does it your way.
Italian Stallion
Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)
demonstrate how the toilet is used. show him that thats where he goes for his business.
Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

Originally Posted by
Duct tape all the way around at the top, might at least slow him down (of course my daughter always managed to just scoot out of the diaper anyway). And if it makes you feel any better, my daughter, every day at nap time for about 3 months managed to get her diaper off and smear poop all over the walls by her crib. I thought I was going to go insane, lol
LOL! Duct tape was what I used with all 3 of my kids--at the end, make a little tab by folding the tape over on itself, start taping in the back and go all the way around the front and to the back again--the tab is so you can easily get it off again and if you start in the back, they can't reach it. I also used to put them in 1 piece outfits with ZIPPERS--then take a diaper pin and pin the zipper tab to the top of the outit--they can't get it off.
No one can make you feel inferior unless you allow it!
Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)
it's a boy thing~lmao
get a dog~ewwwwwwwww~i no it is nasty but my little boy did that a few times and the darn dog grabbed it before i could do a thing about it!
onesies work great too.
Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

Originally Posted by
No drinks before bedtime. Make a point to set your alarm, and make them get up sometime in the night and go potty. You might want to watch them and see how long between potty trips during the day before you decide when to get up with them, or, if you get up, or DH does during the night, make them go too. Also, make sure they go potty right at bedtime.
Do you think 2 & 1/2 is an appropriate age to start this? Cannot believe this, I posted here last night and this morning she was dry. i swear that kid is determined to make a liar out of me LMAO
Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

Originally Posted by
Urban Cowgirl
Wish I could help. Bribes backfired on me. My DD figured that out real quick and would sit on the potty and not go until I told her what she could get. LOL
I have question for those of you who have benn through this. How do you get them trained through the night? DD does fine during the day and during nap, but we still have to use a pull up at night, more often than not she wets. should I be waking her up in the night to go potty?
My daughter is 24 so we are going back a few years. I had her potty trained for when she was awake but she would still wet the bed. She was in kindergarten and wearing a diaper to sleep in. I asked the doctor about it and he said not to get her up to go potty which I had tried doing and it didn't work anyway. That when her bladder matured enough she would stop wetting the bed at night. By time she was in first grade she had finally stop wetting the bed at night. So maybe you just need to give her a little more time.
Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)
We had to switch to pull ups I know they are more expensive but if you get the generic brand they are harder to get off. The name brands have sides that tear easy. My son will be 5 in August and i'm still working on the #2 part of potty training. I can't offer any advice exept try the pull ups.
Good Luck to you.
Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)
Both of my kids used sticker books (like coloring books, but they come with sheets of stickers that go in certain spots). When I knew they had to go #2, the book would distract them long enough for it to happen. That was our problem in the beginning-- they just didn't understand that they were supposed to actually poop in the potty. Once it happened a few times, plus they knew they could work on the sticker books, they were much better about going.
My husband and I always joke that they are conditioned to poop whenever they get stickers. My oldest is 6 and he still likes to look at the books when he goes. I just stock up on them at the dollar store. They don't even care if they do the same ones over and over.
I never had one actually take the diaper off and go on the floor. I did try the thing where you let them go naked because some brainiac doctor decided that kids really want to be clean and will not soil themselves. I think your kid and mine proved that theory wrong. My son just went on the floor. After that incident, I would just take him to the bathroom when I knew he was doing the dance and get him distracted with the sticker books until he actually went. Good luck. Sometimes it seems like it will never end. . .
Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)
My son was 4 before he was completely potty trained. He would pee in the potty but I could not get him to poop in it. I tried rewards and using pull ups. That didn't work. At the time I was pregnant with my daughter and I was so afraid I would be buying diapers for two kids. I ended up putting him in real underwear and I spanked him when he pooped his pants. I know your not supposed to do this but I had tried everything and nothing helped. I even tried giving him a book to read, making him go every so often, etc. and nothing worked. Luckily, he got potty trained right before my daughter was born. I hope my daughter is easier lol.