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    Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

    My 2 year old son has been taking off his diaper and going #2 on the floor in his room. He does not use the diaper....he takes it off and goes on the floor. I spent 30 minutes earlier sitting w/him. But he wouldnt sit any longer. He will pee just fine in the potty. GGrrrrrrrrrrrr.....I am at my wits end w/cleaning up poop. I know I cant be the only mother to deal w/this. Please offer advice.....I could really use it. My daughter never did anything like this....

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    Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

    I used to offer my son a few mini-M&M's as a reward for going in the potty.
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    Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

    Time for overalls so he cant get the diaper off. Bribes help.
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    Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

    One thing you may want to try is having him clean it up, tell him that if he poops on the floor again, you will give him the stuff to clean it up, then give him a rag and some water, let him do his best, then when he is busy go back and clean it the right way. A friend of mine did this and her son only pooped 1 time after she told him its his job to clean it up, he was about 26 mths old at the time.

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    Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

    oh and if that does not work, try putting on 2 diapers one closest to skin the right way the other one put on backwards might not be able to get the tabs....

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    Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

    Duct tape all the way around at the top, might at least slow him down (of course my daughter always managed to just scoot out of the diaper anyway). And if it makes you feel any better, my daughter, every day at nap time for about 3 months managed to get her diaper off and smear poop all over the walls by her crib. I thought I was going to go insane, lol

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    Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

    Man, my brother smeared poop all over the walls at nursery school one day. No idea why as he was potty trained at the time. My mom said she was so embarassed when she got that phone call! I guess boys will be boys!

    It's rough now, but it makes for a good story later. My brother likes to deny the story now as he's an adult. hahaha

    The others have made some great suggestions! Good luck!
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    Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

    I've never had to deal with one playing in their diapers like that. Although I did have some streakers. LOL When I was training my youngest boy I would give him stickers. He loved getting stickers from Walmart when we went there, so I took him to the $ tree and let him pick out a few sheets of stickers. He got one sticker for going #1 and 2 stickers for going #2. He loved it! I'd also give him a sucker, cookie or other small candy sometimes too. He done great and was fully trained in no time! He had just turned 3 yrs old at the time.

    Oh we also bought a potty video for him. Its called Potty Time or something like that. It shows kids singing and dancing and then the proper way to potty, flush, wash and dry their hands. Its cute and my kids loved it.

    Now my daughter is another story. LOL She's 2 and 1/2 and doesn't want any part of the potty! LOL She has went #1 a few times but right out refuses to go #2. She's watched the video, dances to it and everything but just isn't ready I guess. We even bought her baby that had a potty with it and it had its own baby doll that sat on a tiny potty too. She still said no to going potty! LOL I guess she will when she's ready to. I don't want to force her to go because she acts like she's scared of it.

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    Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

    Wish I could help. Bribes backfired on me. My DD figured that out real quick and would sit on the potty and not go until I told her what she could get. LOL

    I have question for those of you who have benn through this. How do you get them trained through the night? DD does fine during the day and during nap, but we still have to use a pull up at night, more often than not she wets. should I be waking her up in the night to go potty?

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    Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

    oh my you guys have some great stories I can hardly remember the last time we did potty training with the first 2 other than to train my son we did the sink the cheerio thing in the potty LOL My daughter who is 2 is fighting me all the way but I am determined that she will use the potty.......someday LOL
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  12. #11
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    Re: Please, Please, PLEASE help b4 I lose my mind(potty training issue)

    Thanks everyone!! I am NOT alone....and that helps more than anything!!! Bribes dont work for my son. If I mention something, he wants it! I have some ideas for tomorrow. I'm going to get his potty seat(which I haven't used til now, cuz I hate them) and put it in the middle of his room. If he uses it, WE will got to the potty and get rid of it together.

    I have question for those of you who have benn through this. How do you get them trained through the night? DD does fine during the day and during nap, but we still have to use a pull up at night, more often than not she wets. should I be waking her up in the night to go potty?
    My dd is 6. She JUST w/in the past 2 months stopped wetting the bed. Dont be discouraged by this. She is just a REALLY hard sleeper.....I take her every night to the bathroom and if I dont guide her, she ends up in the livingroom or! I would just be patient with her and try to understand why she cant go throught the night. I believe each child is different. Good luck to you....

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