Registered User
I guess my vent would be that certain members of my family actually do some of these things!
1. Sing the Batman theme incessantly - they've done this.
3. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go." - They've done this, too.
9. Start each meal by conspicuously licking all your food, and announce that this is so no one will "swipe your grub". - My older brother has actually done this!
11. Stomp on little plastic ketchup packets. - He's also done this.
19. Forget the punchline to a long joke, but assure the listener it was a "real hoot." - My younger brother did this to his Navy shipmates - it lasted three hours!!!
20. Follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everything they touch with Lysol. - I could actually picture Sheila doing this Kidding, Sheila!
25. Erect an elaborate network of ropes in your backyard, and tell the neighbors you are a "spider person." - I want to do this!
31. Give a play-by-play account of a persons every action in a nasal Howard Cosell voice - My brothers have done this, too.
34. Drum on every available surface. - and this...
35. Staple papers in the middle of the page. - This gave Ron ideas...
38. Sew anti-theft detector strips into peoples backpacks. - My dad's sister dropped one in one of his bags when they were leaving a store!
41. Set alarms for random times. - Oh, yeah, they love this one!
46. Dress only in clothes colored Hunters Orange. - one of my brothers bought an all-blaze orange outfit just today.
47. Change channels five minutes before the end of every show. - My Dad does this!!!
45. Honk and wave to strangers. - Yup, the boys do this, also.
70. Stand over someone's shoulder, mumbling, as they read. - they're guilty.
87. Listen to 33rpm records at 45rpm speed, and claim the faster speed is necessary because of your "superior mental processing." - I'm guilty, but I thought it was cute! Sounded like the Chipmunks!
62. Light road flares on a birthday cake. - Eddie's birthday is coming up...
Conclusion - My family is annoying.... But, I wouldn't want them any other way!
10-05-2004 06:46 PM
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Re: Annoying
Cute one! I got some more for you from mine, nieces, brother, twin sister, coworkers, and yes, the man friend......lol!
1) Do the Jim Carrey Screech out the window at friendly passer bys "my faithful young brother does this"
2) Put something metal in a bag as one relative flys out "I give this to my practical joker of a coworker, you got it, i work with an airlines" (did this to his mom!!!)
3) Speak everytime someone tries to get a word out, before they can finish a sentence! "my devoted manfriend does this one!"
4) Use up all of the paper in the restroom, and not tell anyone and then the BIGGIE, leave the seat up so I can fall in! "this is again, my manfriend"
5) Dance around doing the MADTV Stuart, saying 'stop, noooo', after every gesture someone does to you, "this is my again great brother"
6) As your loved ones leave out, cling to them like a wild monkey, "this I owe the honor of my niece"
7) Eat a family ones favorite snack, all except ONE, "yep, again my manfriend"
8) Answer any and all questions with another question, "my beloved twin sister"
9) Call anyone of choice and leave the phone on, not saying a word, "again, my sister"
10) Wait until a holiday moment and stand up and shout, 'OMG I forgot to tell you...' and freeze for a bit, then act as if you said not a word, "yes, my energetic young brother"
That is my top ten "aggrivations", but you GOT to love them!
Thanks for sharing yours! BBS, lets keep em going, whats yours?
~*~*@]----{-------~*~* Happy Wifey & Mommy!
FreeB Freak
Re: Annoying
The scary thing is - I have a friend who does all those things!!
Very funny - thanks for the laugh!
Re: Annoying
I admit, I have been guilty of mimicking Stuart...
Re: Annoying
How about:
Put M&Ms on layaway.
Divide up your 3 baskets of groceries into 10 item sections so you can use the express lane
Have someone announce that you are lost and need to report to the service counter
Do the Cotton-eyed Joe instead of walk
Develop a fear of staples
Develop an allergy to the color blue
Fall in love with the color pink (or black)
Talk to your shoe like it is a cell phone, and you are getting secret messages
Address everyone you meet as Your Royal Adobe
End evey sentence with... "you know I am right"
Ask the clerk if you can buy milk by the 1/2 cup
Push your grocery cart from the front
Speak only in half sentences (and end on half of a word)
Yes, I have done all of these... my job is to annoy not only my children, but all those around me.
Re: Annoying
Originally Posted by
25. Erect an elaborate network of ropes in your backyard, and tell the neighbors you are a "spider person." - I want to do this!
One of my lovely young sons took my red yarn and did this to their room yesterday. both boys thought that by pulling as hard as they coould, they could get it untangled. Enter mommy with the scissors.
Re: Annoying
What a GREAT way to start my day (even if it IS afternoon!).
Your families sound like they know how to have a good time.
My sister's favorite is to say "Lady... Hey Lady!" (ala Jerry Lewis) at the drive-thru.
Registered User
Re: Annoying
Originally Posted by
One of my lovely young sons took my red yarn and did this to their room yesterday. both boys thought that by pulling as hard as they coould, they could get it untangled. Enter mommy with the scissors.
I wish I could have seen that!
Originally Posted by
How about:
Put M&Ms on layaway.
Divide up your 3 baskets of groceries into 10 item sections so you can use the express lane
Have someone announce that you are lost and need to report to the service counter
Do the Cotton-eyed Joe instead of walk
Develop a fear of staples
Develop an allergy to the color blue
Fall in love with the color pink (or black)
Talk to your shoe like it is a cell phone, and you are getting secret messages
Address everyone you meet as Your Royal Adobe
End evey sentence with... "you know I am right"
Ask the clerk if you can buy milk by the 1/2 cup
Push your grocery cart from the front
Speak only in half sentences (and end on half of a word)
Yes, I have done all of these... my job is to annoy not only my children, but all those around me.
I just have a strange feeling you would be a blast at a party!
Purplerose23 - Ah, the toilet seat! Don't you just loooove it when you fall in!
What is it with men and bathrooms?