My FIL is dying and I am so worried
Over the years my FIL has come to believe that Jesus was just a good man but not the Son of God or as Christians believe one of the three persons of the Trinity.
Now he is getting very weak with his lung cancer and we don't know how to approach him about his belief. This is no time to debate the bible with him.
I'm thinking if some of the family just sits with him and says nothing, just be there when he is alone he may open up and talk to us. The we can start a dialogue.
I gave him the book, "He Chose the Nails" but I'm not sure if he read it. He has read some pretty out there books during his life and now he has formed sort of his own religion. A little this and a little of that so now he is what? I'm not sure or if he is even sure.
His one big hurdle to overcome is the fact that Jesus died on the cross and what kind of Father would send his son to do that? A horrible one. We tell him that Jesus was God incarnate, three persons in one God but he either doesn't understand it or doesn't think it is true. I know he did at one time.
Any suggestions? We do have hospice for him and I know they also deal with a person's spiritual end of life. I'm not sure if he will open up more to a minister or to family who he has a history with (you know) which may make it harder.
Maybe I, as a DIL, can talk to him more objectively than one of his children since they try to figure out why he stopped beliving. I wasn't there when he stopped so that isn't a concern to me, just that someone could get him back to believing in Jesus and accepting Him as His Lord and Savior.
02-16-2004 03:54 PM
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Take it to the Lord in prayer....best advice I know...you as a Christian have to do what the Good Book says...witness...pray...love...forgive....encourag e this and live by it. I do understand your fears and I will say a word of prayer tonight for you to find the right way to talk to your FIL...believe and you can make others see. Many Blessings to you.
editied to add Acts 16:31
The more you complain, the longer God makes you live.
Take it to the Lord in prayer....best advice I know...you as a Christian have to do what the Good Book says...witness...pray...love...forgive....encourag e this and live by it. I do understand your fears and I will say a word of prayer tonight for you to find the right way to talk to your FIL...believe and you can make others see. Many Blessings to you.
editied to add Acts 16:31
R.I.P. Hannah Girl Girl mommy misses you already. I love you!
Registered User
((Janelle))) and i think same as they all said,prayer asking for guidance is the way.I am sure if then you are compelled to speak to him yourself about it,you will do a fine job of it,I see your posts here and can tell you are deeply caring and can say it kindly and IMO he would prob respond more kindly and listen more with it coming from your heart cause he knows you love him.Prayers for you and your FIL ,and God will give you the courage and the words when the time comes
Be ye fishers of men
You just fish
He'll catch 'em - and He'll clean them
Thanks everyone. We do have him on our prayer chain at church. I would take a cross to put on his dresser if I thought he would let me. I know some of the people or most of them that are taking care of him are Christian. Maybe they will talk to him. Like the hospice minister.