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Thread: Long Day :(

  1. #12
    cpbaby's Avatar
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    I have to stop pretending people arent psychotic...
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    OOOOOOOooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh, AngelGrim has a GOOD idea. You can get a "Taser" that looks like a cell phone so he wouldnt even know. We sell that type item where I work and they are COOL. The boss showed us how the "taser" worked and it worked GREAT, drops someone in a heartbeat!

    Next time tell him SURE I will "hold" it for you... Justlet me make a QUICK cell phone call first"...........@sshole!

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  3. #13

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    LMAO!! I can just see myself shocking the hell out of someone!! Girls like me do not need weapons, but I would love a 2nd chance with him... My cousin is an officer in town and she had a taser... Her Dad said it wouldnt hurt if she shocked him and OMG!! He fell to the floor and looked crippled! If I had mace I would prob. shoot myself in the eye.. I do have a can of the police style mace though..... hmmm ideas ideas!!

    I did mention some of this to my Mom this morning and she dares him to call this house. She can nicely remind him that asking girls to "touch it" can make him lose his nice little job. She is just waiting around for him to call... She knows now why I came in and stripped my clothes off and took a shower... made sure I couldnt "smell him" anymore.. Can we say needs a breath mint and a shower?!?! YUK!!

    I feel much better this morning, although I didnt sleep much last night. Planning on going out tonight to a church thing with Dad and in a little bit going with Mom to help her move some landscaping stuff.

    Thanks again for the support.. and continue with the stories of how we can shock, kick butt or anything else with this perv!
    Every day I live I am more convinced that the waste of life lies in the love we have not given, the powers we have not used, the selfish prudence that will risk nothing and which, shirking pain, misses happiness as well.

  4. #14

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    Next time this happens, get out of the car. Find another woman or find a phone and call the police. Don't stay in the car. He could have just as easily driven off into the woods and raped you if he had wanted.

    Carry a cell phone and a calling card. But don't stay in the car. You would have been safer on the streets, even in a business district than in that car.
    I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

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