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    Angry My son and his controlling girl friend.

    As some of you know my oldest son is almost 16. He finally has his first real girl friend who is a year younger than him. I want/wanted to be happy for him but ever since he has started this relationship, he has turned into a totally different kid.

    We have had so many discussions about the limit of phone time, the amount of evenings they need to be together ect. All I get in return is " You don't want me to be happy", "You don't care about my feelings", and my personal favorite is "You are giving me emotional scars".

    DS has always been a straight A student, but ever since girls have came into the picture his grades started to slip, another battle.

    If I try to take a privalege away from him, his girlfriend will keep coaching him on ways to argue with me (she will not take no for an answer). I finally caught onto that when we were having a discussion, and he was wearing his headest to his cordless phone, and he kept listening to what she had to say , and repeat it back to me. I told him to hang up and we would finish our discussion which he wouldn't do, so we pulled the phione line out of his room. We told him he needs to shows us he will be responsible before it will be reinstalled.

    When his girl friend calls here, she will not leave a message on the answering machine, she will just keep calling and calling and calling until he picks up the phone. Even some of his friends have told him that her behavior isn't right. But he doesn't believe anyone.

    He started to improve and brought his grades up to all A's and two B's, which was a struggle but all the disscussions paid off. He was able to go to his Military Ball (which I told him he couldn't go if he didn't get his grades up), and was voted Sophmore Prince, top cadet, and also promoted. It was a good night for him and us.

    And to top things off, yesterday after I picked him up at school, I told him he can't talk on the phone until his home work is done and his room was clean. Well his girl friend kept calling and calling until he picked up the phone. I told him to get off and finish his homework, and since he chose to break the rule he lost the phone for the rest of the evening. He was not happy but he didn't argue (which shocked me). I figured he would try to sneak on the phone after I went to bed, so I took the phone in my bedroom. Well the little sneak took my cell phone and called the girl. I didn't realize until after he left for school this morning. He use to be a sweet kids, I want my old son back.

    Oh well, no need to reply, I just needed to get all this off my chest.
    Last edited by CABANN; 02-11-2004 at 11:57 AM.

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    Since I don't have kids, I'm probably the worst one to say anything. When I was younger, my mom's rule was do your homework first, then you can do what you want. As for the! She's 15 and doing this stuff?!?! Best advice I can give you? Don't trash her to your son. That will only make him want to spend more time with her. Hopefully he will open his eyes soon and see her for the type of person she really is. I don't blame you for taking away his priviledges. Good luck and try not to pull your hair out!!!

  4. #3

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    Originally posted by JENNIFERCATLADY
    Since I don't have kids, I'm probably the worst one to say anything. When I was younger, my mom's rule was do your homework first, then you can do what you want. As for the! She's 15 and doing this stuff?!?! Best advice I can give you? Don't trash her to your son. That will only make him want to spend more time with her. Hopefully he will open his eyes soon and see her for the type of person she really is. I don't blame you for taking away his priviledges. Good luck and try not to pull your hair out!!!
    I haven't said a bad word to him about her, but when I started limiting the amount of time they could spend together, and I told him since she lives about 35 minutes away I wouldn't be driving him/them back and forth as much. Well her mom doesn't find it a problem and drives her over here and picks her up. Sometimes she is only able to stay and hour, but her mom doesn't care. So she usually gets what she wants from he mom. It drives me nuts. They probally think I am a witch because of the rules we enforce on him.
    Last edited by CABANN; 02-11-2004 at 11:35 AM.

  5. #4
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    I would be having a serious conversation with little missy's parents or guardians.
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  6. #5
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    hhehehe he's in love and we all know love is blind....he will eventually take off the rose colored glasses and get tired of her controlling ways. Right now this is all new to him.

    However your rules are to be followed, you are the parent. I would block her number and tell him he can call her at a designated time for a certain length of time. I dunno how well this will work cuz I remember being that age and always wanting to be the other person either on the phone or in person. Perhaps talk with HER parents and explain she constantly calls. Good luck
    A wise man once said - if given enough rope, one will eventually hang themself

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    I agree with Jennifer, Dont bad mouth her or it will make her look even better in your son's eyes. Children will do opposite of their parents. Im afraid though that you might end up pushing him away from you, I notice that the punishments for his actions seem more for a younger person. Perhaps he feels like hes not being treated fairly enough. He sounds like a very well behaved boy who doesnt want to get in trouble but his girlfriend is trying to get him to "test the breaking points."
    What i suggest is sitting down and talking to him as an adult. Ask him what he feels would be a good punishment for talking on the phone before homework or grades slipping. Your boy will probably be more willing to accept the punishment easily and less likely to break the rules if he was able to help set the rules and knows clearly the consequences. It'll make him feel like he has more control in his life hence he might make a better decision in the girlfriend department. Keep us updated and best of luck!

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    I would be having a serious conversation with little missy's parents or guardians.
    I agree with that!!! It sounds to me like she is a spoiled brat.

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    I agree with lassss on this one. I wouldn't talk ill of this girl because it will only cause your son to defend her.

    However, you are the parent and you make the rules. I would block her phone number and keep an eye on the cell phone. His stealing it would be grounds for 'grounding'. Until he can learn to respect your rules, then he is restricted.

    As a 'cadet', he understands the concept of authority. Right have authority over him, both morally and legally. If he can't abide by your authority, how does he expect to submit the military authority. If necessary...get his commanding officer involved.

    I would also try to have a serious discussion with her parents.
    Never argue with an idiot. It will bring you down to his level and he’ll win because of experience.

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    One of the best things about young love is that it ends fairly quickly. I would not do anything to stop them, however I would be sure that he understands that when his grades slip, or if they slip, whatever he wants, he isn't getting. Lock up the phones if you have to or buy him a cell phone with limited minutes and then you take posession of all of the other phones. Once his time is used up, too bad, so sad.

    Let him see her until he gets sick of her. There is so much more fun in sneaking around behind Mom's back that when you quit objecting, the fun will end.
    I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

  11. #10

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    Originally posted by schsa
    One of the best things about young love is that it ends fairly quickly. I would not do anything to stop them, however I would be sure that he understands that when his grades slip, or if they slip, whatever he wants, he isn't getting. Lock up the phones if you have to or buy him a cell phone with limited minutes and then you take posession of all of the other phones. Once his time is used up, too bad, so sad.

    Let him see her until he gets sick of her. There is so much more fun in sneaking around behind Mom's back that when you quit objecting, the fun will end.
    He does have his own cell phone, with limited minutes. But he has to purchase his own minutes. He does have a job working on weekends, but since he started dating all his money is spent on his girl and there is none left over for more minutes for his phone. Oh well.

    We let them see each other every other day. In fact she is coming over after school today. We had to put a time limit on her stays because her mom wouldn't get here to pick her up until 10:30 at night. But we do let them see each other just not every night like they did when they first started going out.

  12. #11

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    I feel for you on this. I have a 17 y/o daughter. I swear she is trying to give me a heart attack with the boy she is dating. She has to talk to him constantly, etc. Luckily he is scared of her dad. LOL. I try not to trash him to her. He will be 19 on sat, dropped out of school, just got a job, not my fav attributes. She has sneaked around to be with him at his house, when suppose to be going to mall.

    Stay calm, he will get over it when another girl comes along. I wonder if some of it has to do with his self esteem. He may feel he can not do better. My bro (at 30) had the same kind of gf. She encouraged him to lie about things to his family. He is now engaged to a nice lady even though the psycho ex still tries to make trouble.

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