Originally posted by justme23
Caffeine and Calcium are the biggest causes of kidney stones. So perhaps you should stay off the soda since it makes you hurt to drink it. I am glad you aren't in pain anymore tho!
I did not know that thanks for the info.
(((ezmoney163, Unicornmom77, mommysteph, womp)))
02-15-2004 10:00 PM
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Registered User
Glad you are feeling better.
I had the pain your were having all the time and I would drink about 3 or 4 cokes a day. I went to the doctor and he took me off of caffine and that's been over 10 years now. I haven't had anymore problems since I stopped drinking caffine. I only drink sprite or something like it. It's the best thing I've ever done! If I drink something that has caffine in it, I can sure tell. I hope your pain stays away!
It takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad.
Jimmy Buffett
I had pain in my left side so bad I thought I was dying!! Had to go to ER and ran test to find it was muscle spasms. I had a strenous job with a lot of lifting then. They gave me muscle relaxers and it went away!! Hope you feel better soon.
Is it Lunch yet??????????
I am laying off the diet pepsi, so my side does not hurt right now and I have not had my really bad headaches I used to get all the time.Must a been the caffine also. Hmmm guess I don't need diet pepsi that bad.
(((ezmoney163, Unicornmom77, mommysteph, womp)))
It may be an ovarian cyst
I am going through the same thing now (sharp pain in left side). Recently found out it was an ovarian cyst and quite large. So if you still have your ovaries, it may your problem. Just a heads up for you. Good luck!
"I'm looking for my own ROCKY MOUNTAIN "high."
Re: It may be an ovarian cyst
Originally posted by DivineMsDi
I am going through the same thing now (sharp pain in left side). Recently found out it was an ovarian cyst and quite large. So if you still have your ovaries, it may your problem. Just a heads up for you. Good luck!
I just had a ultrasound not too long ago and they said I had a few cysts but they were nothing to worry about. They weren't big enough to worry about. I had a ultrasound cuz I am trying to get pregnant and we haven't been able to. But so far nothing is wrong with me. But anyways I hope everything gets better for you.
(((ezmoney163, Unicornmom77, mommysteph, womp)))