a/c is broken...stuck ON in the entire building for past two days. cannot regulate thermostats.
i guess it beats completely shutting it off....but two straight days of blowing Canned Antarctica in here is starting to give me bad aches!
egads! you can hang meat in here!
we moved down here in dec. temp was better than the old office so i TOOK MY JACKETS HOME not 2 weeks ago and now i need one again!
Hate is easy. Loves takes courage.
08-13-2003 11:03 AM
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Our a/c is the same way. We have 2 older window units. They either work on high or they dont work at all. My kids are always freezing so I tell them to put a sweatshirt on. I would rather be cold then suffer thru the horrible heat and humidity we have had for the past 2 weeks.
but either way, hope yours gets taken care of. no
If It Makes You Happy, than It Can't be that bad.
Here it's the oppisite!!! Especially on Mondays.. it's like they had a brain fart and forgot to turn it on... I feel for you capt!! I really do!!
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline -- it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." - FRANK ZAPPA
Trade ya--I'm sweating so bad right now I think I'm going to rust my underwires, lol.
Hope they get it fixed soon!
saide i think you've got a similar system to ours.
they turn off during the weekend. the system has to work hard on monday to re regulate the internal temp. your building is probably on a sensor like mine, where there are no individual thermostats, and you can't switch from heat to a/c. supposedly it's a smart system that knows what to do based on the temp reading from outside. it fooled me. mondays in summer are hot in here. in winter COLD, until the unit can get the interior temp leveled off after being OFF all weekend.
i dont like it.
Hate is easy. Loves takes courage.
i am hanging meat today! lol
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline -- it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." - FRANK ZAPPA
Originally posted by mrs.john
I'm sweating so bad right now I think I'm going to rust my underwires, lol.
LOL That is too funny... unfortunately I know what u mean, I can't stand the heat and it can't stand me!
Sorry its so cold!
To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you!
cold again today, they close dour vents yesterday even and i still had to bum J's jacket. LOL. it's enormous.
Hate is easy. Loves takes courage.
*tosses capt. some whiskey*
I think that will warm you better than that quilt... LOL
Real women don't have hot flashes, they have POWER SURGES!!
woohoo and it passes the time better too!
Hate is easy. Loves takes courage.