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    From reality Steve:
    Next order of business is obviously the Ella situation from last night. The minute Jake handed her a rose, I knew the emails and FB wall posts were coming. And boy did they ever. I added it up last night and this morning. As of this writing, I've had 376 emails (UPDATE: over 500 now) wall posts, or comments all saying essentially the same thing, "I thought you said Ella was going home last night. What happened?" So yeah, if the "Hey, your website is down" emails weren't enough, we had the Ella ones on top of it. Here's what I'll say about that: I misinterpreted the information I was given and am off by a week. Ella goes home next week. It was my mistake, my source wasn't wrong, and I take full responsibility for it, and that's that. If you honestly think that the rest of the information I gave you this season is wrong now because I was off by a week regarding Ella, I don't know what to tell you. Keep believing that. I'm here to tell you it's not. Let's remember what I gave you already which proved to be true (these are all documented on the site in past columns):

    -Before filming of this season even started, I told you there would be a date (group date or 1-on-1 at Sea World) - TRUE
    -I told you about six weeks ago that there would be a group date at a comedy club – TRUE
    - Elizabeth would be getting the rose on the group date at Magic Mtn - TRUE
    - Rozlyn would be getting the rose on the In Style Photo Shoot date - TRUE
    - Ali would get the first 1 on 1 and a rose - TRUE
    -Michelle would be sent home during the middle of her group date at the Comedy Club by Jake – TRUE
    -Later on this season, Jake will send both girls home on a 2 on 1 date – WILL HAPPEN
    -Announced the order of elimination of F4/3/2/1 – WILL HAPPEN

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    dang he is on a roll tonite....

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    This has been a good show but wow I sure didn't expect Ali to leave like she did even with the predictions. Reality Steve seems to have hit the nail on the head but...Vienna? Really? LOL
    Last edited by DBackFan; 02-09-2010 at 11:11 AM.
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    If Ali really did love him, why did she choose her job over him?

    Ummmm, it’s 2010. This economy blows. I can’t believe how many people are bothered by the fact that she chose her work over Jake. Please. I thought it was a no-brainer. Yeah, I’ll give up a job at one of the up-and-coming companies in America at Facebook, to stick around on a show a couple more weeks where I’d have a 1-in-3 chance to maybe continue dating some guy that’ll eventually flame out. You people are nuts if you would give up a job for a guy. ESPECIALLY when it comes to this show. Maybe when you’re dealing with real life, and you’ve been seeing someone for a couple years, and it’s time to make that decision, then yeah, that makes sense. That’s real life. This isn’t. But after three weeks on a reality show that’s produced one marriage? Are you kidding me? You’re gonna give up a job in this economy to chase that pipe dream? Ali will have plenty of opportunities to meet better guys than Jake in the future. She made the right call. Grandma approves.

    Was that actually real last night? Was Ali actually given an ultimatum by her job to come back to work or lose her job?

    Listen carefully. The answer to both of those questions is “yes”. I was told that Ali told ABC before ever appearing on the show that Facebook would only allow her a certain amount of time off. ABC was well aware, as was Ali, that if it came to a point where Ali lasted long in the show, it could come to this. I was told that Ali figured ABC would kinda go to bat for her a little more and get work to not offer such a strict ultimatum, if she ended up making the final four. Didn’t happen. Maybe that was naïve of her to think that, or maybe not, but the bottom line was, she went into the show knowing this could happen, but figured, “Hey, I’m sure they’ll be able to work something out where I can stay longer and not lose my job.” Well, she figured wrong. So Ali was then told she needed to tell Jake about the situation and make her decision, which you all saw play out over a painful and unnecessary 45 minutes.

    So what were Jake’s feelings for Ali?

    Definitely real. I mean, she was into the guy, and Jake was definitely in to her as well. Was she willing to accept a proposal at the end? I mean, I think anyone in that situation, if proposed to, accepts the proposal, but knows in the back of their mind it’s more like, “Ok, this is the person I’m going to continue dating and get to know more before we set any wedding dates and start registering at Pottery Barn.” They absolutely both had feelings for each other, and Ali would’ve stayed around to see where it could go if she could’ve. But she wasn’t allowed to, and that’s that.

    What about that phone call next week? How does that play in to everything?

    Awwwww, c’mon people. You’re not gonna fall for ABC’s trick again are you? Remember when they teased DeAnna’s return all season with Jason and made you think it was because she was going to ask for him back, blah blah blah. Ali is contractually obligated to this show. If they tell her, “Hey, next episode, we’re gonna have you call Jake”, then that’s what she has to do. I’ve said it for the last two weeks, and I’ll say it again: Ali does not come back on the show to try and convince Jake she made a mistake, Ali is not the final one, there is no surprise return at any point in the show by her, and her and Jake are not currently together/dating/engaged or involved in any sort of relationship. I haven’t seen next week’s episode obviously, but I can guarantee you these phrases, or something very similar to them, will be coming out of Ali’s mouth during her phone conversation with Jake: “I’m sorry”, “tough decisions”, “hope you’re OK”, “follow your heart”, etc. Ali is not coming back on the show to try and win Jake back. Her phone call was just shown at the end of last night’s episode to get everyone talking for the next week and thinking there might be a possibility between the two of them reconnecting. They don’t. Can’t be any clearer than that.

    How much of that whole 45 minute charade of her deciding whether or not to leave was real?

    Well, all of it was real, but you gotta remember, this is only a 2 hour show. They can only show so much in a short amount of time. Jake and Ali had talked for HOURS regarding this whole situation. Her actually talking to Jake and telling him she was leaving only lasted a few minutes, but after basically 24 hours previous of going over everything and scenario presented, the only thing you can do at that point is keep repeating yourself. What was edited and shown was just bits and pieces of long conversational and emotional talks between Ali and Jake. So there were real feelings involved between the both of them, there was plenty of crying done over her leaving, but the edit only was allowed to show you bits and pieces. Lets also not forget, that filming lasted til the wee hours of the morning. Like 4:00 or 5:00am. I’m guessing at that point, both parties are pretty much “talked out” and Ali was probably even more emotional due to the fact that, well, she’s a woman. Couple the decision to leave with it being so early in the morning and she probably wants to just get it over with, yet producers are there with cameras egging on the drama, I’m guessing she was emotionally drained as well. Bottom line, she would’ve stayed if she could’ve, but she wasn’t allowed to.

    So where does that leave Ali? Is she going to be the next “Bachelorette”?

    In a word: Yes. I’ve been right about everything else I was told this season, and I think you will see I’ll be right about this. It hasn’t been announced yet, nothing has been signed, and nothing is officially official just yet, but I’m here to tell you Ali is going to be the next “Bachelorette” unless she decides at the last minute to say no. You heard it here first. That’s all I will say at this point, but I think I’ve proven to have a pretty good track record when it comes to this season’s information. Ali is their girl.

    Wait Steve, so if she left the show because work wouldn’t let her stay any longer, how will they let her leave for two months to be the “Bachelorette”? And why would she choose her job over Jake, but now choose the show over her job?”

    Those are the million dollar questions right now. I don’t know the answer to those. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s a little different being one of the 25, then it is having an 8 week nationally televised show watched by millions of people focus solely on you. I think for someone like Ali, who came from a small town and has had some relationship problems in the past, opportunities like this don’t come around too often. I can easily see the decision to dump Jake over work (look at the track record of the show), and I can see the decision to dump work over being the “Bachelorette”. Ask Trista, Meredith, Jen, DeAnna, and Jillian if they had to do it all over again, would they be the “Bachelorette” and I guarantee they all would say yes without a second of hesitation. Well, maybe not Jen Scheft. She’s probably the only one that would run screaming if they asked her again. But the others? In a second. It’s a pretty empowering thing as a woman to be the focal point of this show. I don’t fault her if she takes it, and I don’t think it makes her hypocritical either. I think they are pretty different situations. And who knows? Maybe since this aired, Facebook has had a change of heart and would actually let her do the show without firing her. You never know. Only time will tell. I’m sure many people will disagree with the choice of her being the Bachelorette, but I’m here to tell you, you should probably prepare yourselves for it. The storyline sets up perfect for her too leading in to next season. Second chance at love, this time she’s in control, she’s built up a pretty big fan base that feels horrible for what happened to her, etc. Get ready people. It’s coming.

    -The only other thing really left to cover is Jake walking Ali to the car and saying, “I feel like you’re slipping right through my fingers and I don’t know how to stop you.” Please, for the love of God, someone go google every slow song ever produced and find me what song that line was stolen from. Ha ha…really Jake? Did you really go with that one? I mean, it was cheesy when he said, but good God, my keyboard is oozing Velveeta now after I typed it. I had to rewind to make sure that’s exactly what I heard come out of his mouth. Yep. It was. Congrats to Jake for giving us, what might be, the line that this franchise might now be know for forever. Even more so than the “most dramatic rose ceremony ever”. Sure, it’ll only get said once, but dammit, that’s all we needed. I’m gonna try that on someone someday and see if it has nearly the effect that Jake tried to have on Ali. Jake, thanks for the memories. Go go over to the steps and pull a Mesnick by crying on the railing. Granted, he didn’t wail away in tears like Jason did after letting Molly go, but Jake sure whipped up a couple to set the mood for everyone. He’s done it twice now. Once in Austin when he barged in on Wes and Jillian, and now in front of that hotel in Beverly Hills. Let’s see how many different states and cities Jake can cry in.

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    The biggest news to deal with now is this phone call that Ali places to Jake in Monday’s episode wanting back on the show. Uh huh. Actually, I feel insulted that ABC would think I would buy that garbage they’re selling. Are you kidding me? There’s about a million things wrong with that clip they are currently previewing. Just on production value alone, it’s about as spliced and chopped up as anything they’ve ever done this side of Wes Hayden’s edit last season. How stupid do they think their audience is? I know a lot of you want Ali and Jake to end up together in the end, and thought they make a great couple, and are bummed she left the show, but I cannot stress this enough: this is the ABC hype machine in full force. In addition, you can rest assured that if Ali wasn’t under some ridiculous contract, that phone call never would’ve been placed. I think that phone call is a complete embarrassment for what it’s trying to portray her as. For those that haven’t seen it, here it is:

    Geez, where do I begin? Ok first off, Jake is in his hotel bathroom in St. Lucia washing his face and hears the phone ring. As he walks towards the phone, which looks like it’s no more than 10 feet away from where he was in the bathroom, he has no watch on. But right when he turns the corner, he now has his watch on his left arm. Great editing you nimwits. So already we know the call is staged.

    On Ali’s end, I don’t really understand exactly what they want us to believe here. That she’s actually back in San Francisco, yet laying in bed in a lavish Beverly Hills hotel room with a hotel robe on, or, that this woman actually sleeps with two 8 ½ x 11 glossy photos of Jake Pavelka on her nightstand? Which one is it? This video looks like something me and my best friend used to make back in high school where I’d play horseshoes with hats (Don’t worry about it. Long story). So the shot of Ali talking 1-on-1 with the camera with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background, that’s supposed to be real? Seriously? I’ve seen better fake backdrops at Disneyland when my niece takes a picture with Goofy.

    This is without a doubt one of the worst acting jobs put on by both people in the history of this show. However, there’s a reason Ali made that phone call. She’s under contract. She was forced to. Sure, Ali had feelings for the guy when she left the show, and that phone call was placed shortly after she left the show (within a week or so), but that is not how this was all supposed to go down. Here is what my sources have recently told me about that bogus phone call:

    -After Ali went back to work, the producers presented her with the idea for this phone call. Basically telling her, “Look, you’re gonna do this. And if you don’t, we’re going to make it seem a whole lot worse and we’ll pretty much say anything to Jake about you.” At this point, Ali still has feelings for the guy, still a little bitter she had to leave the show because of work, but she knew damn well she couldn’t come back on the show, because her work situation hadn’t changed. I know a lot of you are still doubting the whole “Facebook-called-her-back-so-she-had-to-leave” story, but I’m here to tell you it’s true.

    -Ali had not been at Facebook long enough to warrant getting off any more time than she did. She used up all her vacation time to do the show. If she takes off any longer, then it becomes a permanent leave of absence and she’s out of a job. I think that’s pretty standard in any job. You’re allowed personal time off. Once you’ve used up all that personal time off (which Ali did), then you pretty much are risking your job by taking more time off on top of that. So that’s where the ultimatum came in. Either turn this into a permanent leave of absence and you’re out of a job when you get back, or, return to work. So she went back to work.

    -The phone call was pre-produced, Ali was told to tell Jake she wanted him back, even though she knew she couldn’t go back on the show. It’s called a contract. She does what they tell her to do or else there are consequences. Ali was flown back to that LA hotel to make that phone call. Why the voice over in the preview has her saying she’s back in San Francisco thinking about Jake? I have no idea. Maybe when it plays out on TV, they’ll admit that Ali came back to LA at some point, but that promo clearly is insinuating that she’s back in San Francisco, thinking about Jake enough to keep bedside glossy photos of the guy, and that’s where she makes the call from. That’s obviously a hotel bed she’s in, along with the robe, phone, nightstand, and headboard. Good Lord this show makes me lose brain cells.

    -One point tons of you are missing on this is where “Facebook” comes in to play. So many of you are saying “Facebook is loving the publicity its getting from this show. Of course they wouldn’t mind her being the ‘Bachelorette’.” Ummmm, not once has Ali mentioned on TV where she works, nor is she allowed to. She hasn’t said it on the show, you won’t hear her mention it on the “WTA” or when she does “Ellen” next week either. You will never hear the word “Facebook” uttered during this show. The only people who know she works at Facebook are about 1-2% of their viewing audience who follow message boards, tabloid mags, and blogs. That is not their core audience, you have to remember that. This shows core audience is middle aged housewives who live in fantasy land and think this is real. It’s not. The minute you stage a phone call and tell a girl to tell Jake “I want to come back” even though you know, she knows, and Jake knows that IT’S NOT POSSIBLE WHATSOEVER, then that’s where this show goes from being “reality TV” and becomes “unscripted drama”. Ali wasn’t given a script per se, but she was told what that phone call needed to be about. And Jake was well aware that phone call was happening. He was not caught off guard after washing his face and putting on his watch in world record time.

    Would I be surprised if Jake wanted Ali back? No. Especially after hearing all this stuff come out about Vienna the last two months. I am being told Ali was very much into Jake, bummed that work presented her this ultimatum, was very upset she couldn’t see where this relationship could’ve gone, but that time has passed. They came to her within the last few weeks regarding being the “Bachelorette”, and of course she’s flattered. Who wouldn’t be? It’s pretty obvious she sees why she was told to make the phone call to Jake – it makes for good, dramatic television. The main point I tried to make in the interview last night is, you people have got to separate what happened during the October-November filming of all this against what has happened since then.

    During filming, Jake is constantly telling the other girls, Chris Harrison, hell, anyone who’ll listen, “I’m not seeing the side of Vienna that you all are talking about.” So yes, she apparently had him fooled. But he made his choice of Vienna back on Nov. 22nd or 23rd. A lot has happened since that has probably clouded his judgment of her, as it should. He’s probably embarrassed that he’s gonna have to somehow defend her to the masses when no one understands his final decision. That’s why I said in the interview last night, when we see Jake and Vienna together (“together” meaning “on the same episode”) at the “ATFR”, I want him to confront her about everything that’s happened SINCE they left St. Lucia. If he doesn’t at least bring this up, than Jake Pavelka is truly the biggest puppet and weenie walking the face of the earth and he could not care less about finding a wife.

    It should be an interesting ending to the season even though you’ve known what’s going to happen since January 6th. I’m talking more about the “WTA” and “ATFR” shows. Looks like Rozlyn is going to do the “WTA” after all. I’m sure I’ll get some info before that episode airs on Feb. 22nd. Just don’t know if I’ll have it before Tuesday’s recap. And we have plenty of time before the “ATFR” films, so I will see what I can get out of that

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    Well so far Reality Steve is right on the money. I felt so bad for Gia, she was such a sweetheart. I can't even imagine how Tenley will take it in 2 weeks.

    I think Vienna has growen on me and he so obviously was into her. I need to dig up all this dirt they say is coming out about her.
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    what ya wanna

    Gia has a past that isnt to nice also...

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    3 hour finale tonight......So will it be Vienna in the end as predicted?

    Or did ABC change the ending???

    RS claims they are still together even at the ATFR so we shall see...

    Ali is rumored the next bachelorette

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    Ugh, I can't believe he picked her. Lets see how long it lasts. I could care less Jason and Molly are getting married. I'm glad now he did what he did because I like Melissa and good things have happened to her. She was way too good for Jason. I wonder how now Ali can have so much time off or if she quit FB to do the show. I hope she finds a great guy and we have another happy ending like Trista and Ryan. I also hope Tenley finds someone deserving of her love. I hated to see her get hurt. She is such a sweet girl and deserves a good guy.

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    But they did look in love last night...

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