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    Re: Big Brother Spoilers

    Thanks again Kelsey1224!

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  3. #24
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    Re: Big Brother Spoilers

    Yes! Thanks Kelsey!!! PLEASE come back with the veto ceremony results! LOL
    Don't make me get out my flying monkeys.

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  4. #25
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    Re: Big Brother Spoilers

    Thanks for all the updates!!

  5. #26

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    Re: Big Brother Spoilers

    Thanks a million Kelsey Yes, please come back with veto
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  6. #27

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    Re: Big Brother Spoilers

    yeah, I can not wait for the veto results!

  7. #28

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    Re: Big Brother Spoilers

    Marvin says that one of his friends called when the producers were doing their backround check on him. His pal told him that Big Brother asked him questions like whether the car Marvin drove fit with his personality. Karen is in the kitchen with Jase. They are both making breakfast. Karen doesnt say a word to Jase at all. Jase leaves and goes outside. Now all the houseguests are on the patio chatting and eating. Karen says she is late for her period. Marvin jokes to Karen she shouldve been excited seeing Cowboy expose himself last night. Marvin kids Karen that she might be pregnant. Karen says that is impossible. She was on her period when the producers came to her house, announced she was on BB5 and shipped her off to Hollywood.

    Cowboy joins everyone outside. He looks sullen. Some of the houseguests ask Cowboy if he is okay. He says he is. Diane: I wonder what I should wear for my camera time today? As the houseguests chatter on, one of the feeds focuses on a spider spinning a web on the patio.

    The houseguests apparently were on a lockdown outside. Big Brother announces it is over, they can raise the blinds and go back inside. Talking with the twins in the kitchen, Cowboy says he feel embarassed about streaking in the house last night. He is sorry. The twins say it was funny. Cowboy thought it would be humourous but afterwards he felt bad. He hopes Big Brother wont air his antics on television. The twins tell Cowboy they dont make fun of him. They love the fact that he is a class clown. Natalie: We arent just women, we are Big Brother houseguests and we are all family in here.

    Jase and Karen do talk on the patio. Karen feels like there should be a Luxury Challenge soon. Jase tells Karen about Cowboys idea that everyone should get a video from home like on Survivor. Karen would love that. Karen is interested in seeing how everyone on the show handled being evicted and what their comments were afterwards. Back inside, one of the cameras focuses on Hollys picture on the memory wall. In the bathroom, Drew tells Cowboy that he is worried about giving his speech during the Veto Meeting. It scared him to address everyone as HOH too. One of the feeds follows Drew around as he sorts out his clothes.

    In the wood bedroom, Jase is working on his straw hat. He is putting a bandana on it. Drew is in the bathroom doing his hair. Diane and Karen sit in front of a mirror and do their make-up. They talk about the cuts on their noses from the pie competition. Jase is trying on clothes and looking at himself in the mirror.

    All feeds go to the fish tank. Only two return with Jase and one of the twins cleaning their faces in the bathroom. Drew talks with Jenn in the HOH room. Drew tells her he is going to say he is using the Veto to save Diane. Jenn states to Drew that many of Girl Power wanted the speeches at the meeting to be mean to Jase. Jenn doesnt want that to happen. Drew is just wary of Jase thinking he is smarter than everyone. Drew wants everyone to keep the storyline going at the meeting so Jase doesnt realize what is happening to him. Drew: He is playing the whole nice guy thing. He pretends to care about what you are saying but you know he doesnt. Jenn says that Jase just wishes Scott was still in the house. Drew says he has been telling Jase he is not using the Veto. Drew: He is going to go off on me. Jenn tells Drew of Girl Powers plan to mock Jase when he leaves the house. Kick the door shut on him and yell out...Now Thats Good TV.

    Two feeds on the fish tank. Two on the twins doing their hair and make-up. Everyone is gathering for the meeting in the front room. Jenn is called to the Diary Room. As the houseguests wait, Jase comments that the game would be so much better if they had booze all the time. If so, nobody would care who was nominated or anything. The twins plot in the bathroom. The twins are not happy that Big Brother is maybe pointing out that they are a threat because they are sisters. Minor chit-chat in the front room as everyone waits for the meeting to start.

    When the Veto Meeting starts, the feeds go to the fish tank for almost a half hour now.

    Drew removes Diane from nomination. Jenn nominates Jase. (It all goes as it was planned!)

    Diane is angry. She is storming around in the house. She says that someone is attacking her. Marvin takes her into a room and tells her to calm down and keep it together. Diane says she doesnt take that crap from anyone. In the cloud bedroom, Cowboy, Drew and Jase talk with the door closed. Jase says he is going home and doesnt care if anyone in the house hates him. Jase repeats that if Holly wasnt voted out, things wouldve been different for the Horsemen. Jase to Drew: Maybe you can make it to end, yourself. Jase: We made a pact. I was loyal to the end. I dont want to be here any more. It is over. Cowboy: I agree with that. Marvin comes into the room. Jase says that he wants to go home. He wants to make a deal with Marvin to let him get voted out. Marvin says that people will vote how they do. Jase doesnt want to be sequestered because Hollywood would forget about him then.

    Jase and Marvin mock Drew for his relationship with Diane. Jase to Drew: You wouldnt date her outside of this house. Marvin compares Drew and Diane to Boston Rob and Amber. Jase and Marvin think that the media will portray Drew as being used by Diane. Betraying the Horsemen for her. Jase tells Drew that in the Diary Room, he told them that he would save Drew if he was in that situation...but there is something cool about saving the girlfriend. The meeting breaks up with Jase saying: Good talk. Good talk. Good times. Jase promises again he is going to go wild this week. Cowboy thinks that Jenn and Diane are making signs to mock Jase. Jase marches into the kitchen. He asks Karen about it. She doesnt know.

    Diane is primping in the bathroom and staying away from Jase. She goes into the bedroom to speak to Drew. Diane complains that she doesnt need to take such crap and that Drew didnt protect her. Diane: Why doesnt anyone protect me when I get attacked? Drew tells Diane to chill out and calm down. Diane: Why is it okay for Holly to be saved but not me? Diane agrees to keep her mouth shut until Jase is gone.
    Never argue with an idiot. It will bring you down to his level and he’ll win because of experience.

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    Re: Big Brother Spoilers

    I hope his Edited is outta there!! I got news for him on the hoolywood tip...he AIN"T no Brad He sucks and everyone knows it! Cowboy needs to pull his nose outta Jase's Edited and start making some alliances if he wants to be around any it'll do any good at this point!!

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    Re: Big Brother Spoilers

    The following is from another board:

    The girls are outside saying Diane is upset.
    (apparently Jase went off on her inside but no one was around and that was when the feeds were on)

    Diane said she just got attacked in the living room and then again in the kitchen. She coplained that no one is ever there to stick up for her....ever.

    Nakomis said she is thinking of telling Jase tonight that Diane is just following and if you want to get pissed with anyone, it was my (Nakomis) plan....."Me Mastermind, They Pawn. Talk **** to me cuz I'll hit you with a vase."

    Meanwhile, Marvin has joined Jase and Jase is going on about how he is ready to go home anyway and how he got screwed by his own friends (alliance members). He said he doesn't want to sit in sequester and then be forgotten about by America. He wants to get out now so he can pursue his acting career further.

    Diane cried to Drew and he comforted her and told her to put it all behind her and that everything would be okay

    While Drew was conforting Diane in the HOH room, Jase walked in. Diane told him that she didn't want to talk to him and that she didn't want an apology. He told her, "I don't want to apologize. I just wanted to say you can kiss my ***." and he slammed the door! She told Drew, "I want to tell him to **** off." She continued to cry. jase walked into the kitchen and told Marvin that he had just made some "good tv" and explained what had just happened. Marvin then went into the HOH room and him and Drew were trying to calm her down.

    Jase & Cowboy have a chat.....

    Jase told him that he is sorry that he got involved with them (Drew and Scott. He added, "Obviously they not as smart as he thought."
    Cowboy suggested that maybe they (4 horsemen) got too cocky. (Do you think Cowboy???)

    Jase added that taking out Holly was a mistake. He said that the turning point for them was when they turned on themselves. He added that he hopes they keep Marvin b/c he’s ready to go.

    Cowboy added that he’s probably now going to be on the block every week. Jase reminded him that he could get the HOH next week. He told him that he does have his sister and that could be good. He then said that with twins in the house, who are obviously together, that is 9 people in the house, 1/9 chance of winning. That gives the twins double the chances. He added that they had their moment in the sun but that changed and that is that. He said he is going home.

    Cowboy sighed and said he felt like he has lost two brothers in two weeks.

    Jase reminded him that he lost Scott b/c he took out Holly. He said had Holly stayed, A would have gone and they would only have one A in the house. He added that he wants to talk to her and say its no hard feelings at all on his part. Jase told him to get rid of Diane to avenge Scott and Jase. He told him that it would be smart to put up Drew and Diane together.

    Jase said that Drew is nothing but a rich little fraternity boy and himself (Jase) had to go to the military to get his education paid for...the hard way. *cue violins*

    Later outside, jase wondered out loud that if he cheated on the PB&J diet, if he would not receive his stipend. He plans to ask the DR later when he is called in.
    Never argue with an idiot. It will bring you down to his level and he’ll win because of experience.

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    Re: Big Brother Spoilers

    Ok whats with this sign that drew made? What did it say?

  11. #32

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    Re: Big Brother Spoilers

    I must have missed something. I'm not aware of Drew making a sign. Jase made a sign that he wore which said something like, "Come join my alliance." And he would announce to everyone that whomever joined his alliance was bound to win because no one would vote for him.

    Here are the feeds from where I left off yesterday:

    *** August 9th evening update ***

    Diane is upset that she cant make a PBJ sandwich because there is no more bread. Diane: Thanks a lot, Big Brother. Jase advises Cowboy to put Drew and Diane up if he wins HOH. Jase: You cant trust either of them. Jase calls Drew a rich little fraternity boy whose parents pay for everything. Jase joined the military to pay for his education. Big Brother reminds Karen who shared some of the honey-mustard sauce that those who are on the PBJ diet cannot eat condiments. Jase wonders if Big Brother will take away his stipend if he cheats on the PBJ diet. Jase gives some advice to Jenn in the HOH room. Jase says he wants her to win Big Brother 5 and that he has no hard feelings about anything that has happened. He thinks it would be wise for Jenn to align with Cowboy.

    When Jase goes back outside, he tells Marvin he is going try his best to get under Drews skin. It might be fun to make him snap. The houseguests chat about Internet questions they are being asked. Marvin warns Diane that Big Brother told them not to talk about the Internet questions.

    In the hammock, Marvin tells Diane to be cool. They are going to have a party when Jase is gone. He tells her not to let him get under her skin.

    Will claims he made it to the Survivor semis once. The people from Amazing Race called too and wanted him and his mom to be on the show. His mom declined to partipate. Jase heads over to the memory wall, he takes the Veto necklace off Dianes hook and places it on Hollys. The houseguests are told they will be allowed music tonight for two hours. Cowboy says it is for the house and not the Internet. The houseguests are put on a lockdown outside. They think Big Brother might be getting the house ready for a party of some sort.

    Diane thinks the party is because BB5 has such a great cast. The party starts at 6:30 there which is 9:30 here in the Eastern Time Zone. Right now, all of the feeds are on the fish tank and if what Cowboy said is true they could remain that way for two hours.

    A half hour with all the feeds on the fish tank, folks.

    The feeds are back. There are some empty pizza boxes in the kitchen. Diane: They are going to have to give us a half an hour to wind down. Kapow. The feeds go back to the fish tank.

    The twins, Drew and Diane are eating pizza in the kitchen. Will is laying down in the bedroom. They chat about how dirty thr hot tub is. Karen joins the others in the kitchen. Karen says she had some cake and feels dizzy now. Marvin is called to the Diary Room. Cowboy says that he was working seven days a week so his woman packed his stuff to bring to the house. Adria says she would never let her husband pack any of her bags. Adria says she has one of her husbands shirts in her bag.

    Diane: If they dont let us outside, I am just going to go to bed. The talk switches to how late clubs close in their hometowns. Drew talks about his trip to Mexico or someowhere. Natalie is chatting about her aerobics and dance work. Natalie starts teaching Diane dance steps. Drew and Cowboy mope in the bathroom. Not sure why. Cowboy: I ate too much. Drew: I dont know how things are gonna go. Next week will be a big week. Cowboy: I dont know where you stand in this game. Drew: I am just scared. I dont know what is what. Cowboy: Did you do today because of them? Drew: No, I dont know, man.

    Cowboy keeps asking Drew if the other side made him use the Veto. Drew denies that. Drew: Marvin wants to go. Cowboy knows Girl Powers plan worked. Cowboy: You fell in the trap. Cowboy is mad because Drew didnt tell him what was going on. He felt close to him in the game and now he feels betrayed. Cowboy: We were so truthful with each other in this game. What you did hurts. Cowboy says that he believes a word is a mans bond. Cowboy says he would respect Drew right now if he admitted he has an alliance with Girl Power if he does. Cowboy: Come clean with me right now. Did you make a deal with them. Drew: No, I did not make a deal with them. Drew hugs Cowboy. Cowboy half-heartedly hugs him back. Cowboy says he better not find out later that Drew did have a deal. If he would admit to it,he would forgive him on the spot but not later. Cowboy says he wont vote Jase out. He made a promise and will live by it.

    Cowboy says that Drew got up in Jases face about Holly and then he turned around and did the same thing this week. Cowboy says that Diane was 100 per cent safe. Cowboy says Drew needs to learn lessons about being honourable. Cowboy: I just dont want you stabbing me in the back. Drew: I know. I am good for that. Cowboy: I have been lied to all my life. After Cowboy talks to him, Drew stares at himself in the mirror for a long period. Diane is quick to chat with Drew in the bathroom after Cowboy leaves. Big Brother tells the houseguests the lockdown is over. Marvin and Karen enter the bathroom. Diane and Marvin rip on Cowboy for questioning Drew so much. Cowboy isnt around.

    Marvin and Cowboy open up the hot tub. Marvin says he just lives week by week in the house. The houseguests start playing a new game. Tossing golf balls and trying to get them into a hole on the putting green.

    Will thinks the cake they ate made them all sick. Karen is massaging Wills back outside. Karen says they should try not to win HOH this week.

    *** End of August 10th, evening update ***

    *** August 10th morning - afternoon ***

    At 11:15 a.m. ET. the houseguests are still in bed. What did the houseguests get up to when we last left them? Lets see.

    After asking the twins if they can teach him hip-hop dancing, Cowboy heads inside and speaks with Jase. Cowboy wonders if Drew was in an alliance with Girl Power all along. Jase says it is clear he was. He saw them plotting together. Cowboy leaves and Karen enters. Karen advises Jase to tone it down and not alienate himself. Jase asks Karen to vote him out. He doesnt want to be sequestered. Jase says that if he sequestered, people will forget he was on Big Brother. Jase tells Karen all of his antics were just acting. He was trying to make good TV. He is not really that way at all. Diane and twin chat more about their alliance. Diane says they should focus on Marvin and Cowboy then turn on Will, Karen and Jenn.

    Sitting alone, Jase, Cowboy and Drew talk about the integrity of the Big Brother game being compromised by the twin twist. They agree that making their alliance public and being cocky about it doomed them. Cowboy tells Drew that they cant win the game now so they should put up people they dont want to win the game if they get HOH.

    Jase says to Cowboy and Drew that he made it known during the interviews with the producers that he was an actor and had a SAG card.
    Never argue with an idiot. It will bring you down to his level and he’ll win because of experience.

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    Re: Big Brother Spoilers

    Both Adria and Natalie were seen on the feeds eating pizza. Adria is on the PBJ diet with Diane, Drew and Jase. That is what happened at the end of the Food Competition. It should come as no surprise that Big Brother plays fast and loose with the rules of the game. They make rules and then break them constantly. The only things they really seem solid about is they dont want houseguests chatting about their Diary Room sessions (for obvious reasons concerning possible manipulation) and any houseguest putting the others in danger. Jase was right when he said the other day that the producers view the game as just a way of forming soap opera plots. The game itself means very little to the current producers it seems which is why maybe it is time for some new blood to bring back the integrity.

    No wake-up call for the houseguests at almost 1:00 p.m. ET.

    The houseguests are finally getting up this morning. Marvin is in the bathroom shaving. Karen and Jenn are in the kitchen getting their breakfast. Karen goes off into the Diary Room to ask about something or other. Will appears in the kitchen. Jenn wonders if the music Big Brother played this morning was Joan Jett. Will and Jenn talk about the movie she made with Michael J. Fox called Light of Day. Karen: Joan Jett is God. Will says Jett was in the broadway production of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Karen says she didnt see the Rocky Horror Picture Show because her sister would go see it every week. Marvin complains that the ants are back. Marvin: Maybe they came back just to say goodbye?

    Marvin starts working out on the patio. Karen, Will and Jenn watch him. Will cant understand why Marvin work outs in the morning. He could never do that. Marvin says he is a creature of habit. It is what he does at home. Will asks Marvin about cardio work. Marvin mixes up bike and treadmill workouts. Marvin admits taking Tai-Bo classes for no other reason than to check out the women.

    In the kitchen the twin cant believe Marvin is working out already. Twin: He is up and at em. Diane comes into the kitchen. She had a dream that one of the twin got a whole lot sicker in the house. Diane says that she mentions the Twin Alliance to Drew and he is all for it. She suggests that they get together today and talk. The twins think that is a good idea. Adria says that she drank some Pepsi and Big Brother gave her crap over it. Adria jokes: So, how did you get kicked out of the Big Brother house? I had a sip of Pepsi while on food restriction.
    Never argue with an idiot. It will bring you down to his level and he’ll win because of experience.

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