The Strangers
Synopsis: Three masked assailants terrorize a young couple in a romantic getaway to a remote cottage.
What did a boy with a bicycle, who was with another boy, do to one of the women who'd been wearing a mask?
Handed her a religious leaflet
What did James do, after Mike showed up at the house to pick him up?
Shot him with a rifle by accident
What did James do, after Kristen told him that the people outside had taken her cell phone?
Attended to the cut on her hand
What did James insist Kristen do, before they shared a bottle of wine?
Take back an engagement ring
What did James leave Kristen alone to do, after starting a fire for her?
Buy her a pack of cigarettes
What did Kristen note James had done that she questioned him about, after they drove to an isolated house during the night?
Set the table and laid out candles and rose petals
What did Kristen do when she started to realize that someone had come inside of the house where she was staying?
Removed a knife from a kitchen drawer
What did someone do to James outside of the house, before a man with a bag on his head attacked James?
Aimed a flashlight at his eyes
What did someone do while James was going outside to his car to get his phone?
Put a hand on his shoulder
What did the man with the bag over his head do to James, after removing his bag?
Stuck a knife in his chest
Last edited by FreeTipper; 10-31-2016 at 04:00 AM.
10-26-2016 07:14 AM
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