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    Big Brother 09/13/2016

    What did the houseguests do following the HOH competition, after Nicole stomped her foot and said she was mad?
    Discussed questions they got wrong

    What did James, Nicole, and Paul correctly guess Michelle said she would miss Corey doing in the Jury House, during the "What the Bleep?" HOH competition?
    Providing milk to her

    What did Nicole say Paul would be able to do if he made it to the end as she discussed who to evict with Corey and James?
    Talk in an intelligent manner

    What did Paul do after he won the HOH Competition and Corey, James, and Nicole gathered around to congratulate him?
    Jumped on and hugged them

    What did Paul do as he addressed the other houseguests during the eviction ceremony, after he noted he had been on the block six times?
    Cracked jokes at their expense

    What did Victor say he could no longer do, after Corey called him down for a conversation with him and Nicole?
    Consider them to be friends

    What did Victor say during a confessional that he did in light of Corey and Nicole plotting to nominate him for eviction?
    Felt a lack of respect for them

    What did Victor say he realized Bronte's comic book character was doing on a cover that was different from its duplicate, during the "BB Comics" Power of Veto competition?
    Wearing red tape over her eye

    What did Victor tell Julie Chen he had done after she noted he and Paul had become very close?
    Served as a counterbalance to him

    What did Victor do upon reentering the house, after Nicole won the Power of Veto?
    Hugged her and forgave her

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Big Brother 09/13/2016
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