The Flash : Versus Zoom
Synopsis: Barry wants to use a tachyon device to open the breaches in a plan to catch Zoom; Hunter Zoloman's past on Earth-2 is revealed.
What did Barry and Det. West do, while at their house, before Barry explained to West that he was still looking for a way to get back to Earth Two?
Sipped from beer bottles
What did Cisco do, while in lab, before he revealed to Barry that he had a fear of becoming more and more like his Earth Two counterpart?
Worked on a pair of goggles
What did Cisco do, while attempting to open up a portal to Earth Two, before Cisco explained to Barry that he might not be the right person for the job?
Held his hand out in front of himself
What did Dr. Wells tell Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin that the staff of a psychiatric facility on Earth Two did, daily, while treating Hunter?
Submitted him to electroshock therapy
What happened, as Cisco used his powers inside of an abandoned children's hospital, before Hunter, on Earth Two, exclaimed "keep coming, Cisco"?
Mass of blue energy appeared in the air
What happened, as Hunter began to use his powers, after he remarked "you can't lock up the darkness" and sped out of S.T.A.R. Labs?
Both of his eyes turned totally black
What did Hunter do to gain Barry's "speed force," after Barry was drained of it, before Hunter attacked Barry and held him up by his neck?
Injected it into his arm
What did James do, during a flashback from Earth Two, before he leaned down in front of Hunter and said "you're gonna wanna see this, son"?
Placed a helmet onto his head
What did a masked man do, while being held captive by Zoom on Earth Two, before Wally shouted out for someone to help him?
Tapped several times on a piece of glass
What did The Flash do to restrain Zoom, as Zoom raced after him in S.T.A.R. Labs, before The Flash removed Zoom's mask and pushed him backwards?
Attached a metallic cuff to his thigh
09-14-2016 04:23 AM
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