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    Mistresses : Fight or Flight

    What were Lucy and Marc doing when she tried to confront him about dating Sofia?
    * Sitting at an ice cream parlor

    What did Karen say she and Adam did when they first met, before they argued about meeting online?
    * Attended a spin class

    What did Adam do after he asked Karen if everything was "perfect" in their relationship?
    * Presented her with onyx earrings

    What did Harry ask Josslyn about doing before she said she didn't think they should get married?
    * Tearing off the label of a pill bottle

    What did April say she was proud of Lucy for doing, before Mark showed up and gave Lucy a high five?
    * Delivering a debate at school

    What brand of car was parked next to a curb after April said she was proud of Lucy for delivering a debate at schoo?
    * Audi

    What did Josslyn do while threatening Lee, before Jackie ran toward her to stop her?
    * Aimed a handgun at him

    What did Karen do before telling Lydia how violated she felt about the situation with Adam?
    * Demanded that she leave

    What did Marc notice that Josslyn had been doing before Harry said things had gotten "pretty dark" in their relationship?
    * Sleeping on the couch

    What did April do after Lucy knocked on a door and asked her how things went with Marc?
    * Held a pregnancy test

    What did Jonathan suggest that he and the other FOOD network executives do, after Harry arrived?
    * Consider a change in casting

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