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    The Cheerleader Murders

    Synopsis: A cheerleader loses her sister and father to her town's curse. She thinks the darkness has moved on until two of her fellow cheerleaders are kidnapped.

    What did Ben admit that he did to try to get others to like him, as Ellie confronted him at his house?
    Left rabbit figurines in their homes

    What did Coach Reeves admit he did, as Ellie listened in on him being interrogated by the police about Morgan?
    Exchanged text messages with her
    Loaned her money for bus fare
    NOT--Asked her to attend a dance
    NOT--Visited her inside her house

    What did Det. Martinez do as he searched through Don and Nicholas's house?
    Picked up bloody fibers with tweezers

    What did Don do as Dee attempted to escape with Ellie?
    Stabbed her in her back with a knife

    What did Ellie do before she fell asleep in class and dreamed of her father in the police station?
    Found a typed note in her locker

    What did Ellie do when Don confronted her and admitted to being the killer?
    Threw her cell phone at his head

    What did Ellie see Nicholas doing, when she and a police officer discovered him dead?
    NOT--Floating inside his bathtub
    Slumping beside his pill bottle
    Lying with his wrist slashed
    NOT--Hanging from his belt as a noose

    What did Ellie do after she heard Dee crying and found her inside a cellar?
    Untied her arms and legs from a bed frame

    What did Ellie see Mike doing before he killed Cindy and her father?
    Carrying a gun through a hallway

    What did Nicholas do before he told Ellie he was the one who was "cursed"?
    Noticed a sketch of a car

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