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    Malibu Shark Attack

    Synopsis: An earthquake unleashes huge, prehistoric sharks that terrorize scenic California.

    What did Barb do when she heard Pete's plan to start killing the sharks?
    Pleaded for their protection as significant scientific discoveries

    How did Brian propose to Barb?
    Pretended he had found a ring to turn in to the lost property box

    What did Colin do when he saw a shark swimming down the hallway, when he went to look for the stairwell in the construction site?
    Jumped up and hung from a pipe on the ceiling

    How was Colin able to reach the hut in the boat that George steered?
    Threw explosives into the water to clear a path

    What did Doug and Barb do that made them sound an alarm to evacuate everyone from the beach?
    Received a weather report about a tsunami

    What did Heather tell Pete and Colin she was going to do as they watched the rescue helicopter arrive?
    Flip a coin to choose between them

    What did Heather tell Pete that she would do to distract the sharks when he swam out to look for the cabinet?
    Bang on the floor surfaces on all sides

    What did Jenny tell Doug that she did to get assigned to community service?
    Shoplifted from an overpriced department store

    How did Pete get rid of the shark that attacked him when he climbed onto the roof of the hut?
    Shot a flare and explosive liquid into its mouth

    What did Pete do before he was able to get Heather out of the car and into the construction site?
    Ran to the shed and found a chainsaw

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