The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Synopsis: The emergence of a powerful new villain and the return of an old friend bring Peter Parker to the realization that all his enemies have one thing in common: Oscorp.
What did Aunt May say that Richard did, according to two government officials, after Peter asked what happened to his father?
Betrayed all of them for money
What did Harry do after Donald injected spider venom into his arm, which caused him to seize?
Tried on an armored body suit
What were Harry and Peter doing, while they were catching up on each others lives?
Skipping rocks into water
What did Harry do after he reached out to Max to assist him and find Spider-Man, before security showed up on site?
Stunned him so he could escape
What did Max do before Spider-Man managed to save a group of bystanders watching them in Times Square?
Flipped a police car upward
What did Max do, after he got electrocuted while he sang “Happy Birthday” to himself?
Fell into a tank containing eels
What did Norman do as he laid on his death bed, after he told Harry that "retroviral hyperplasia" was a genetic disease in their family?
Handed a device to him
What did Peter do after he ripped papers off his walls and smashed a calculator against a wall?
Found coins inside of it
What did Peter do while he watched a video on the Internet, after he attached cables to a car battery?
Caught a line on fire
What did Richard do while he was on a falling airplane with Mary, as he got strangled by a "flight attendant"?
Shot holes through windows
07-14-2016 04:38 AM
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What did Gwen do, after her and Peter spoke about him always seeing her father?
Broke up with him