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    Deadliest Catch : Fire at Sea: Part 2

    Synopsis: Captain Sig and crew fight for their lives against an engine room fire; faulty hydraulics and a flying 800-pound pot create a deadly situation on the deck of the Saga.

    What did Bill explain his goal was to do, while speaking one-on-one with Zack in the wheelhouse of the Cape Caution?
    Teach him more on how to become a captain

    What did the crew of Cape Caution do while Bill stated that he hoped Zack will "step up" and become more aggressive on the "concept"?
    Ate sandwiches around the table

    What happened aboard the Saga while deckhands scrambled during an issue?
    Pot swung around them and smashed into objects

    What did Keith notice JJ doing, after he remarked that catching twenty-four crabs was an improvement to catching "single digits" prior?
    Walking away with a pair of bait jugs

    What did Keith remark that he told Monte he would do, after he lamented the paltry haul from his string of pots?
    Leave after putting in two good trips

    What did Nick McGlashan offer to do first, before Bill expressed disappointment with Zack?
    Run the boat to stack a string of pots

    What did Sig explain was happening while he was investigating why the Northwestern was listing?
    Water splashing over the deck filled the open tanks

    What did Sig do while his crew attempted to put out a fire below deck on the Northwestern?
    Spoke into a radio without receiving a response

    What did Sig do after Edgar rectified an issue with the pumps below deck on the Northwestern?
    Reactivated the autopilot system's GPS

    What did Sig surmise happened when a fire broke out below deck on the Northwestern, while assessing the damage?
    Circuit breakers melted before they could flip off

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