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    Criminal Minds : The Sandman

    Synopsis: The team searches for an unknown subject who takes children while their parents are asleep; Morgan tries to find out who attacked him.

    What did Dr. Reid say that Patrick's mother did when he was abducted as a child, after Dr. Reid combed through stacks of police records?
    Passed out drunk in her car

    What did Ellie say that The Sandman did during his attack on her family, as Hotch and J.J. questioned her in the hospital?
    Wore a pair of goggles

    What was Garcia able to do while at her station to produce a lead on The Sandman?
    Track a call to a cell tower
    Chevrolet (Morgan & Rossi)

    What happened in The Sandman's lair as he prepared a batch of sand in a pouch?
    Skull burned inside a forge

    What did Morgan do after removing his wedding photo from a bag he had set on his desk?
    Unfolded a paper of notes and diagrams

    What did Rossi do while he and J.J. investigated the scene of the Brewers' murders?
    Pointed out scratch marks in the floor

    What did The Sandman do as Rossi and his team descended upon him in his lair, before Rossi blew him away with a pistol?
    Charged while wielding a hammer

    What did The Sandman do after Josey began to beg while he watched TV in his lair?
    Locked her into a cell

    What did The Sandman do while in his lair, as Rossi and Hotch's squad briefed the Wichita police about him?
    Sharpened a tooth on a grinder

    What did Wichita's medical examiner say that Lila Brewer did, as he explained her cause of death?
    Suffered a blunt force trauma fracture to her skull

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