Synopsis: A battle for the future of mankind unfolds when the archangel Michael arrives at a roadside diner to protect a waitress whose unborn child is humanity's last hope.
What did Audrey and Kyle do when they were on top of the diner getting to know each other?
Noticed a father and son drive up
What did Bob do when Sandra was sitting alone at the diner?
Handed her a free beer
What did Bob do when Michael first showed up at the diner driving a police car?
Asked to see his teeth
What did Gabriel do when he entered the diner after Michael shot Sandra?
Started swinging a mace around
What did Gladys do when Howard confronted her at the diner for insulting Sandra?
Bite into the side of his neck
What happened to Percy when he pulled Sandra away from trying to rescue Howard?
Burned his back with acid
What was Jeep doing in his workshop when Bob came in to see what he was busy with?
Fixing up an old crib
What did Michael do after he attacked a man in a warehouse through a window?
Sutured some of his wounds
What did Michael do when the possessed people were trying to attack Audrey inside of a van?
Ignited them with gasoline
What did Michael do after he defeated Gabriel in battle?
Refused to kill him
03-10-2016 05:32 AM
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What did Bob do after Gabriel found him alive behind the counter of the diner?
* Sets off an explosion with a lighter
What did Michael do in order to stop possessed people from pulling Charlie and Howard through a window?
* NOT -- Stabbed them with a broad sword
Last edited by sfora71; 08-29-2016 at 07:54 AM.
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