Thread: The Box

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    The Box

    Synopsis: A husband and wife receive a simple wooden box which will grant them $1 million, but simultaneously, it will cause the death of someone elsewhere in the world. Based on a short story by Richard Matheson.

    What did Arlington do, after arriving at Norma and Arthur's house, before Arlington confirmed that someone had died?
    Presented them with a case containing $1 million

    What did Arthur do while confronting Arlington, after Arlington explained to him and Norma that Walter had been stricken both deaf and blind?
    Pointed a gun at his head

    What did Arthur do, while in the library, before he found himself floating through a white void, eventually ending up in his bedroom?
    Touched a gateway made of water

    What did Arthur do, while at a rehearsal dinner, after Arthur noticed Charles, who was holding up two fingers?
    Selected a gift from off of a table

    What did Dick tell Arthur that Jeffrey did to kill Diane, after Dick handed Arthur a stack of photographs?
    Shot her once in the chest

    What happened as Dana was being given a ride home by Arthur, before Arthur searched through her wallet and found out that her real name was Sara?
    Blood leaked from out of her nose

    What was a man doing in the middle of a road, which stopped Jeffrey and Authur in their tracks, before their car was hit by a larger truck?
    Wearing a Santa costume and ringing a bell

    What did a NASA employee tell Arthur that he failed to do, after Arthur found out that he had been rejected from the astronaut program?
    Pass the psychological exam

    What did Norma do, while teaching her class, after Charles asked her if she was embarrassed by a physical characteristic of hers?
    Revealed that she was missing four toes on her right foot

    What were Norma, Arthur, and Walter doing, as Arthur examined the box for the first time, before Walter pointed out that a note had come with it?
    Sitting around a table for breakfast

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