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    Life Below Zero : Lost in the Wild

    Synopsis: Alaskans get a brief respite from winter's fury with the end of the thaw.

    What did Carol do before a seal she was hunting swam away?
    Shot a gun towards it

    What did Chip do while he said that it would hold wood poles together?
    Tied sections of rope around them

    What did Chip do after he and his family arrived to their finished tower, before they sat down for lunch?
    Sprayed paint on a sign

    What did a doctor do in a flashback, after Sue said she endured injuries that "just didn't want to let go"?
    Secured a sling over her shoulder

    What did Erik do before he released a salmon that Martha caught?
    Pulled a hook out of its fin

    What did Jessie do before he found fresh moose scat?
    Followed a trail of tracks

    What did Jessie do after he built a campfire, while he lay down next to Tobias?
    Fed him a piece of meat

    What did Martha do after Erik said that they caught a couple hundred pounds of salmon for the winter, while he held the last salmon caught?
    Planned to prepare their heads in a soup

    What did Sue do before she used a jigsaw on a white box, while building a homemade smoker?
    Drilled a series of holes in it

    What did Sue do after she said that she was happy about the parts she found, after she spent time in a salvage yard?
    Picked up a pile of pipes

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