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    Heroes Reborn : Project Reborn

    Synopsis: Tommy is faced with his biggest challenge; Erica goes to extremes to make sure her plan succeeds; Luke and Quentin help Malina as she tries to fulfill her great-grandmother's prophecy; Emily and Ren search for Miko; Carlos must make a choice.

    What did Hiro do before he told Tommy that he loved him, in a memory that Tommy was reminiscing about while he was trapped in a video game?
    Handed him a comic book to read

    What did Luke do before he floated up towards the solar flare and exploded?
    Looked at a picture in his locket

    What did Luke say he, Quentin, and Malina needed to do, after they arrived at Gateway and stepped out of a car?
    Seek shelter for safety
    Xbox One (Gemini)

    What did Malina do after Noah voiced how proud he was of her and passed away in front of her?
    Broke down and cried

    What did Otomo do to kill Richard before he referred to Richard as a "treacherous snake" in Japanese?
    Drove a metal spike through him

    What did Quentin do before Phoebe fell to her death from a clock tower?
    Shot her with a handgun

    What did Richard do after Otomo said he was ready to put the master of time and space online, in footage from a previous episode?
    Jabbed a syringe into his neck

    What did Tommy inform Erica he had the power to do, which she angrily said was impossible and even Hiro couldn't achieve it?
    Exist in two places at once

    What did Tommy do after a metal tube sneaked up behind him and latched onto his neck, while he was trapped in a video game?
    Screamed and fell to his knees

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