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    Major Crimes : Taking the Fall

    Synopsis: The team is called to investigate a follow up attack on a victim of road rage; Flynn suffers a setback on his road to recovery; Rusty finally gets the interview that he wanted.

    What did a doctor say that Flynn did while he sat in a hospital bed?
    Lost consciousness due to his blood thinners

    What did an investigator say that Tom did that resulted in his death?
    Received a blow to the back of his head

    What did Lily say that Tom did after she watched him during a fight from her house?
    Kicked her and broke her wrist

    What did Lily attempt to do while Tao was attempting to build a case to charge Sam with murder?
    Identify him in a lineup

    What did Provenza do while he was in the kitchen at the Palmer's house, after Lily was escorted out of her house?
    Sniffed a pot of pumpkin soup

    What did Raydor do after she said that she was attempting to get Jordan home for the holiday?
    Asked her about her health insurance

    What did Rusty do before he paused a video that he was watching on his laptop in his bedroom?
    Heard a noise from the bathroom

    What did Sykes notice while Sam looked at a picture of a truck in an interrogation room?
    Bruises located on his hands
    Chevrolet Silverado

    What did Tao say that he did to link Sam with Tom's car?
    Found a match of his fingerprints

    What did Taylor do while Flynn sat in a hospital bed before his surgery?
    Put a plate of food on his lap

    In a sponsored segment during this show, who were the main characters in suspenseful scenes from an upcoming movie?
    Daring journalists who were investigating an important story they wanted to tell
    Slight Chance / No Way
    I'd rather wait to see it on DVD/VHS

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