Thread: The Karate Kid

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    The Karate Kid

    Synopsis: A New Jersey teen moves to California, meets bullies and learns karate from a handyman, Mr. Miyagi.

    What did Daniel accidentally do to Freddy as he was moving into the apartment with his mother?
    Kicked him over with a swinging fence

    What did Daniel tell a tournament official that Ali was there to do in order to sneak her into the tournament?
    Help translate some instructions

    What did Daniel do to Johnny in order to get back at him in the bathroom during the Halloween dance?
    Sprayed him with a hose

    What did Johnny and his gang do to Daniel to injure him while he was riding his bicycle?
    Pushed him down a rocky mountain

    What did Johnny do to Ali at the country club dance that made Daniel stumble and become covered in food?
    Kissed her forcefully on the mouth

    What did Kreese tell Johnny to do to Daniel for an unfair advantage in the finals?
    Sweep his leg out from under him

    What did Lucille do with her car to embarrass Daniel in front of Ali's parents' house before a date?
    Required assistance pushing it

    What did Mr. Miyagi do to Daniel when he complained of pain before he taught him to implement the moves he
    learned by doing chores?
    Warmed his hand and massaged his shoulder

    What was Mr. Miyagi doing when Daniel first went to ask him about making repairs?
    Attempting to catch flies with his chopsticks

    What did Mr. Miyagi have Daniel do in order to celebrate an anniversary regarding his deceased wife?
    Take a drink of a potent beverage

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