Thread: Ominous

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    Synopsis: Michael and Rachel take a stranger's offer to resurrect their 6-year-old son, but the child who returns is not the one they once knew.

    What did Father Francis do while battling with Jeremy inside the church, after repeatedly asking him to renounce the power of evil?
    Decapitated him with a sword

    What did Jacob do after a group of police officers, including a SWAT team, surrounded him at the stranger's mansion?
    Attacked them with a murder of crows

    What did Jacob do after three boys bullied him on a playground?
    NOT--Direct skeletal minions
    NOT--Flailed a jeweled daggar
    Conjured up a tornado
    Sprouted a barbed tail

    What did Jacob do to kill the priest during a sermon, as Jacob used his supernatural powers while shaking and foaming at the mouth?
    Struck him with a crucifix and set his robes ablaze

    What did Michael do to kill Jacob accidentally, shortly after Rachel discovered Michael's infidelities with Sofia?
    Backed into him in a car in the driveway

    What were Michael and Father Francis doing as they met to discuss the devil possessing Jacob upon Jacob's resurrection?
    Sitting in a booth at a diner

    What did Michael do as he attempted to kill Jacob, before Michael held Rachel back and screamed that Jacob wasn't their son?
    Blew up a car after pouring in gasoline

    What did Rachel do take out the stranger, who encouraged Jacob to kill Michael, while in the stranger's mansion?
    Shot him with a pistol

    What did Rachel do while attacking Jacob, who was in full demonic form, to deter him from killing Michael, after they returned home?
    Slammed an ax into his back

    What did the stranger in a black coat and hat do while fighting Father Francis, before mangling his arm and killing him?
    Beat him with a stick

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