Hotel Transylvania
Synopsis: An unforeseen complication unfolds when Dracula invites the world's most-infamous monsters to his lavish resort to celebrate his daughter's 118th birthday. Animated.
What did Dracula and Johnny do before Dracula realized Johnny was missing and noticed Quasimodo's footprints?
Rode on floating tables
What did Dracula do while in a hotel closet with Johnny, before complaining that he couldn't breathe?
Pulled a shirt out of his backpack
What did Dracula do after the Invisible Man pinched him and slapped him across his face?
Handed him a piece of bacon
What did Dracula do after telling Mavis a bedtime story and saying that he promised Martha that he would protect Mavis forever?
Performed a song with a ukulele
What did Dracula do before telling Mavis to make her own paradise and started growling when she and Johnny tried to kiss?
Handed her a postcard
What did Johnny do before telling Dracula the legend of the Lady of LeBeau?
Looked at a framed painting
What did Johnny start to do in a gym, after groups of monsters played charades?
Rolled around on a scooter
What was Johnny doing when he crashed into Mavis, before asking Dracula who Johnny was?
Flying on a witch's broom
What did Johnny do while performing a song on stage, before jumping off during a "stage dive"?
Strummed on a guitar
What did Mavis do after she asked Dracula to erase her mind, as they sat on the roof together?
Passed a book to him
Last edited by FreeTipper; 10-29-2016 at 05:33 AM.
09-26-2015 04:24 AM
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