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    NCIS : Stop the Bleeding

    Synopsis: Gibbs fights for his life on a Navy hospital ship, while DiNozzo and Joanna go to Shanghai to take down the Calling.

    What did the children working on computers in an abandoned warehouse in Shanghai do after Tony and Ofc. Teague stormed in?
    Set a time bomb and scattered

    What was Dr. Taft doing when Gibbs informed him that he had several ex-wives?
    Washing his hands at a sink

    What did Gibbs do when he met up with Dr. Taft at a diner and sat across from him in a booth?
    Gifted him with a bottle of whiskey

    What did Gibbs do when he met with Matthew at the prison, before Matthew said the "game" was changing?
    Jabbed a pen into his hand

    What did Kelly do after she told Gibbs they weren't staying at his workplace, during his dream while he was being operated on?
    Reached out to hold his hand

    What did Luke do after he called out to Gibbs at an outdoor market in Iraq, in footage from a previous episode?
    Shot him twice with a handgun

    What were McGee, Abby, Palmer, and Ellie doing while waiting for an update on Gibbs's condition?
    Hovering over cell phones on a table

    What did McGee do when he walked into the office holding Agent Dorneget's laptop, before Vance said he wanted it "combed from top to bottom"?
    Noted it was still activated

    What did Tony do after he whistled at Daniel to get his attention while he was simultaneously speaking to him over the phone?
    Chased him through a crowd

    What was Tony doing while in Shanghai with Ofc. Teague when she said it was "impressive" that he could speak Mandarin?
    Trying to buy a tie from a vendor

    In a sponsored segment during this show, what were you encouraged to watch on "Survivor: Second Chance," after an upcoming movie was noted?
    Special look at scenes from the movie
    "The Good Dinosaur"
    Slight Chance / No Way
    I'd rather wait to see it on DVD/VHS

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