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    Port Protection : Predator Prevention

    Synopsis: Residents take care of essential builds and chores as spring arrives at Port Protection.

    What did Curly do before he said his father and grandfather were "really good" role models?
    Cut beams of wood with a chainsaw

    What did Curly say he used a piece of metal to do, while he searched for it around his truck?
    Pry open the driver-side door to get inside

    What did Curly do after the narrator said he and Big Mike were in the process of "reviving" Tim's truck?
    Ripped the bed off with a line grounding it while driving it

    What did a group of people do while the narrator said "the future of fresh eggs for all" was "in the hands of the community"?
    Erected a large wall onto a platform

    What did Hans say he did during a previous job, before he and others completed the roof of a duck pen?
    Retrieved metal from a school

    What did Mary do before she celebrated and said she would be eating that night?
    Reeled in a fish from a line in a boat

    What did Mary do after the narrator said she had her own unique methods of tracking larger game?
    Ran over piles of scat on the road in her vehicle

    What did the narrator say ermin were capable of doing, as they posed a threat to Hans and Timbi's new duck pen?
    Squeezing through the wire barrier

    What did Sam say he could do while identifying a sign that the log he selected was beginning to decay?
    See dark bands of wetness in it

    What did Sam do after he identified a "prime little firewood log" and approached it?
    Attached a tow line to an end of it

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