Behind Bars: Rookie Year : The Drug Trade
Synopsis: Despite efforts to keep the prison clean, narcotics always find their way into the prison; Francisco suspects an inmate is high; Andrew takes inmates on a high-risk work detail outside of the prison; Bruce struggles with high expectations.
What did an inmate do at the campground work site, before an on screen graphic revealed that ten minutes had passed?
Entered into a remote bathroom
What did Officer Cordova do while he was searching through an inmate's bunk, as he explained how an item was used for smoking?
Held up a piece of Bible paper
What did Officer Cordova explain that two inmates from Roswell, New Mexico did, before he drove them to a campground?
Served as members of a gang
What did Officer Cordova do at the campground work site, after he was helping the inmates by shoveling dirt?
Took off his bulletproof vest
What did Officer Cupit say an inmate did, which resulted in the inmate going into the "cage," after another officer threatened to spray him?
Swallowed a substance in his mouth
What did Officer Pallesen explain that an inmate in APA started doing, after an on screen graphic noted that the inmate refused to take his medication?
Kicking while he was being escorted
What did Officer Villicana explain that he was going to do, after he searched the cell of an inmate who had been acting strange?
Perform a urine analysis test on him
What did Officer Villicana do while he was conducting a "shakedown" of an inmates cell, after explaining that the inmate was acting strange recently?
Found a tube that could be used to snort
What did an on screen graphic reveal that an agitated inmate thought Officer Rounds did, before the inmate eventually apologized?
Confiscated his headphone cord
What did an on screen graphic reveal that an inmate did, while the inmate was at a campground work site under Officer Cordova's supervision?
Signaled to a man inside a car
09-14-2015 06:03 AM
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