Deadliest Catch : Bite the Hand
Synopsis: A second storm slams the fleet; Jake reaches out to Sig Hansen for help; Josh arrives late; Keith and Wild Bill try to stay in the game.
What did Amy say that she did not do after Keith said that they crew of the Wizard were helping her to complete all of her duties?
See any of the pot ties
What did Bill do before the narrator said that Bill and the crew of the Cape Caution were "trudging" through a thirty-six hour "grind"?
Issued a warning over the radio
What did crew members on the Cape Caution do before Bill noted that his "fix for everything" would be to just "add crab"?
Screwed boards over a hole in the deck
Little Caesar
What did the crew of the Saga do before the narrator noted that Jake Anderson and Ray were back to "battling" terrible seas?
Pulled up a series of empty pots
What did a crew member on the Wizard do when water got on the deck, before Keith noted that both the weather and the fishing were bad?
Jumped on top of a buoy
What did Jerry do after Bill said that Jerry was suffering from leg cramps because he was dehydrated?
Drank a glass of pickle juice
What did John do after he said that he did not want the crew of the Cape Caution thinking that he was trying to quit?
Squeezed pus from his wound
What did Keith do before the crew of the Wizard sorted through a load of crabs on the sorting table?
Tapped a beat on a nearby wall
What did Keith say that Amy was doing, before the narrator said that the Northwestern pulled ahead of the Time Bandit for the lead in most crab caught?
Showing signs of "cracking"
What did the Sig say he had never done before, after saying that he was very excited to work with Jake Anderson?
Met up for a pitch
07-29-2015 04:04 AM
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