The Green Mile
Synopsis: In 1935 a head prison guard realizes a man on death row may be innocent and have a supernatural ability to heal others. Based on the book by Stephen King.
Part 1
What did Brutus Howell do when he first saw Mr. Jingles?
Fed him a piece of a cracker
What did Burt Hammersmith tell Paul that his son did that caused him to lose an eye?
Got attacked by their pet dog
Hunted with a rifle that backfired
Tripped and fell on a pick axe
NOT--Hooked himself with a fishing pole
What did Dean Stanton do in order to prepare Arlen Bitterbuck for his execution?
Shaved his head with a razor
What did Harry do after Wild Bill challenged Paul and Brutus Howell to fight with him?
Sprayed him down with a hose
What was John Coffey doing when Klaus Detterick and the others found him?
Crying with two little girls in his arms
What did John Coffey do to heal Mr. Jingles?
Held him up to his mouth and inhaled
What did John Coffey do to heal Paul of his infection?
Grabbed him after pulling him forward
What did Paul do when he arrived home to Jan making dinner?
Untied the knot holding up her apron
What did Percy ask Paul to do at the next execution at the prison?
Stand in front closer to the prisoner
What did Percy do to Delacroix as he left the block on Paul's command?
Smacked his finger with a baton
What did Percy do when he saw the mouse on E-Block?
Tried to kill it by throwing a garbage can
What did Wild Bill do to Percy when he grabbed him from inside his cell?
Kissed him on his left ear
Part 2
What did the guards do to Wild Bill before they sneaked John Coffey out of the prison?
Offered him a soft drink laced with a sedative
What did Delacroix ask Paul to do just before being escorted to his execution?
Promise to take care of his pet mouse
What did Melinda Moore do after John Coffey healed her?
Gave him a religious necklace
What did Paul do before he gave the order for John Coffey to be executed?
Reached over and shook his hand
What did Paul do to Percy when he started yelling as they released him from the isolation cell?
Slapped him across the face
What did Paul do to prove his story when he took Elaine to the cabin in the woods?
Introduced her to a very much alive Mr. Jangles
What did Paul do when he came to visit John in his cell to prepare him for his execution?
Asked him if he should let him go
What did Percy do after John Coffey breathed bees into his mouth?
Shot one of the other prisoners
What did Warden Hal Moores chastise Percy for doing during Delacroix's execution?
Forgetting to wet the sponge atop his head
What did Warden Moores tell Paul that his wife Melinda did because of her illness?
Said swear words uncontrollably
06-12-2015 06:30 AM
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