My 600-Lb. Life - Zsalynn's Story 4100pts
: Season 2: Episode 1 - Zsalynn's Story
Synopsis: Zsaylnn needs to lose weight to be the mother her daughter deserves; her husband loves large women and does not support her goals.
What did Bonnie and Hannah do before Zsalynn was wheeled away to the surgery room?
Embraced her in a hug
What were Bonnie and Hannah doing while Zsalynn said Bonnie was basically raising Hannah?
Jumping on a trampoline
What did Bonnie say that Zsalynn was doing when they met at a National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance gathering?
Wearing a bikini beside a pool
What did Dr. Nowzaradan do as Zsalynn was in his office for a checkup weighing in at 443 pounds?
Inspected the scars on her stomach
What did Gareth do after he picked up Zsalynn from the hospital and said he didn't have any plans to go on a diet?
Went to a fast-food restaurant drive-thru
What was Hannah doing while playing at a playground, as Zsalynn watched her from behind a fence?
Swinging on a swing set
What did Julia have Zsalynn do after they stopped at a bench during their walk along a trail?
Perform curls with a band
What did Zsyalynn do as she said she scheduled an appointment with Dr. Nowzaradan for the next day and was feeling nervous about it?
Folded laundry out of a hamper
What did Zsalynn watch Hannah do, after Zsalynn was able to fit into a pair of jeans for the first time in seven years?
Ride a horse around a farm
What did Zsalynn do as she ate scrambled eggs and said food was now only for survival?
Spit them out into a napkin
05-14-2015 05:23 AM
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