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    Cool The Real Housewives of Miami : Hurricane Adriana , BRAVO

    Synopsis:* Adriana and Lea's feud comes to a head; Romain has a question for Joanna that may jeopardize their wedding; Lisa has problems with the property she's buying.

    What were Joanna and Romain doing when Romain said he didn't want her to come to Miami just because of him?
    Eating food while on their bed

    What was Lisa doing before saying she wanted to reward Daysy with plastic surgery?
    Taking photos of her with a camera

    What was Adriana doing before asking Lea why she cared and that she didn't want to hear one more thing?
    Standing outside in the rain

    What was Lea doing before she said some people might be "upset"?
    Going through a book manuscript

    What did Adriana say Lea did before saying it was before Frederic came into her life?
    Helped her when she was struggling

    What did Adriana claim that Lea did after saying Lea did it just to hurt her?
    Planted a newspaper article about her

    What did Lisa do after Lenny told her he wanted her to start the demolition process on the house he bought?
    Swung a sledgehammer at a wall

    What did Adriana tell Rick she wanted to do while the two of them discussed her and Frederic's wedding at a restaurant?
    Arrive inside a hot air balloon

    What were Alexia and Marysol doing before Marysol claimed she felt sick to her stomach?
    Running on a sidewalk for exercise

    What did Lisa do as she and Lenny toured through the house he purchased in a foreclosure auction, after Lisa called the house "disgusting"?
    Put a dirty doll back onto a staircase

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