The Colbert Report – Charlie LeDuff COMEDY 7PM
What did Erick say workers at a gasoline company did before Stephen said the company was taking an oil spill seriously?
-used paper towels to soak it up
What did Stephen say that Charlie LeDuff once did before Stephen asked him if moving back to Detroit was a stunt?
-performed as a clown in a circus
What did Stephen say that he got Pres. Bill Clinton to do, after Stephen said he made prerecorded history?
-create and use a social media account
What did Charlie LeDuff say that 1,200 people did to avoid visiting Detroit?
-exhumed and moved their family members
What did Stephen say that a gasoline company did after he said they contained the oil cleanup coverage in Mayflower, Arkansas?
-threatened to have reporters arrested
What did Stephen say that Jessica Matthews did a few years ago while attending Clinton Global Initiative University?
-designed a soccer ball that generates electricity
What did a news reporter say Erick said witnesses saw a gasoline company do after they encountered an oil spill?
-washed it into the storm drains
What did Stephen do after he advised Pres. Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton to step back while at the Clinton Global Initiative University Exchange Fair?
-triggered an eruption in a model volcano
In a commercial during this show, what did you learn a telecommunications provider was doing to offer “powerful answers,” as people used devices in different locations, including a room where a woman wrote on a clear board?
-building a medical database to facilitate fast, informed diagnoses, as a doctor viewed heart scans in a library
-they meet the world’s biggest challenges with advanced, innovative tools
In a commercial during this show, what happened as a man walked down a sidewalk, before he walked into a bar and enjoyed a beer with friends?
-people representing the worries of his day, such as a mechanic, popped out from behind him as he ignored them
-offers a relaxing way to escape any time
In a commercial during this show, what was noted about a red car that drove through various terrains, including a winding mountain road and a race track while upbeat rock music played?
-how it was built from the ground up to be the world’s best, and people noticed
-Cadillac ATS
-received many press awards and accolades
04-11-2013 07:07 AM
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