Site that might help with ads
Just found a site that might help with ads, if anyone wants to register for it. You can't just view the ads, without becoming a member, but there are thousands of them. Here's more info and the page link. You might just get a better idea of the brand, even without watching the ad,
if you do a search for the commercial theme.
When you log in, you are an adgrunt. Here's what you get for your 20-second effort:
No google text ads or flashy banners, ever - only see the pretty ads that we give a toss about. Nice.
The ability to "favorite" your favorite stuff - it's like an internal site bookmarking system, favorite the articles and ads you want to refer back to, create your own library which you can browse later. Very practical! Don't be caught serching for a great ad again.
The ability to comment - and each comment scores you two brownie points. Brownie points buy upgrades
The ability to post stuff - you can upload and post your own work, gossip in the forums or even review an ad book or film related to advertising and you'll get brownie points in return.
The ability to rate stuff - think an ad is great? Five stars! Sucks? One star. Help shape the "best and worst of" lists.
Buddies - stalk other people here by adding them as buddies and you can see their favorites and latest comments/posts.
Invite friends - you'll become automatic buddies and can watch the lists of each others favorite ads.
Subscribe to stuff via email - you can tailor the subscription the way you like, subscribe to your favorite topic (say, car ads) or everything new including comments, or just the comments to your posts. You'll receive updates via email.
If you want to you can upgrade to become a super adgrunt with access to 40,000+ Quicktime commercials. You can pay for your upgrade with collected brownie points or your VISA/Mastercard. You don't have to upgrade, you can choose to do so whenever you want, for a short time or a long time if you want. Being super adgrunt only changes your adland account status in that you can view the commercials - when your time runs out you are still an adgrunt, just not "super" with extra access to the commercial archive.
09-04-2008 03:17 PM
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