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    Oct 2002
    Liverpool,NY "Remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
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    Charmed 3/10 Little Monsters

    how did the officers react when darryl caught a robber?
    *clapped & cheered him on

    what did piper do when strapped to chair?
    *burst free from ropes

    what did chris want the charmed ones to do?
    *vanquish the evil baby left by monster

    how did jason surprise phoebe?
    *postponed trip overseas

    what did phoebe do after she was attacked by a monster?
    *nursed neck pain with ice

    what did phoebe confess at the resturant?
    *was in love with chris

    how did the charmed ones make peace with the evil babies father?
    *gave him a stroller & baby needs

    what did piper know about the kidnapper?
    *wouldn't really kill her

    why did darryl call paige in a frenzy?
    *needed help with hostage situation

    what was leo doing when chris came to him for help?
    *standing on top of the golden gate bridge

    what happened when phoebe took wyatt from the evil baby?
    *monster kidnapped piper

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