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    CSI 3/10 (17 questions)

    What did Sara say when Neil showed her new forensic software?
    Only geeks still say "the bomb"!

    What did Brass say when the hotel manager asked him to try to keep the murder out of the media? If it makes the news, it is what it is!

    What did the investigators note as unusual in the hotel room?
    Smelled like a hospital

    How did Brass react when Sandra Acheson said she didn't know where Jesse was?
    Joked their marriage was full of romance

    How did Catherine determine who would portray which suspect in a murder reenactment?
    Based on agents' heights

    What did Sara say about searching the hotel manager's car without a warrant? NOT would get away with it. PRETTY SURE that it is-That the car was open.

    What did Grissom say when the judge turned down his request for a warrant?
    Needed it to get more evidence

    What did Jesse Acheson say he was doing in the hotel room where the murder occurred?
    Planning to sell drugs to the victim

    How did Greg get a sample of Jesse Acheson's DNA?
    Picked up littler he found in the park

    What was Mia doing while examining samples on a microscope?
    Listening to French play on headphones

    In a commercial during this show, what did an announcer discuss as a waitress carried dishes in a restaurant and close-ups of food being cooked were shown? Limited time menus, NOT Red Lobster

    In a commercial during this show, what did an SUV and two sports cars do before stopping short to test their braking systems after revving up their engines? NOT manuevered through an obstacle course to a mud puddle

    In a commercial during this show, what happened to a black truck after a bolt used in its assembly appeared close-up? Was hoisted into the air, Ford F-150, Strongest pick-up

    In a commercial during this show, what was a man doing when he came across a friend eating a chicken sandwich that was then seen against blue stripes? Putting a dollar in a vending machine, KFC, 99 Cent snacker

    In a commercial during this show, what did two women in evening dresses do while looking into a brightly lit vanity mirror? NOT used facial foundation

    In a commercial during this show, what did people do in places, such as on top of a snowy mountain, on the beach, and down a muddy slope, where they all got to in the same SUV? Participated in extreme sports,Nissan Exterra,Takes you wherever you want to go
    Last edited by groundy; 03-11-2005 at 04:56 AM.

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    Re: CSI 3/11 (17 questions)


    What did Sara say about searching the hotel manager's car without a warrant? NOT would get away with it. PRETTY SURE that it is-That the car was open.
    * NOT The car door was open

    In a commercial during this show, what was unusual about the work cubicle of a shaggy-haired man who was speaking on the phone to a customer in Chicago?
    * Outfitted with beach umbrella and ********s
    * Capital One No Hassel Rewards
    * Airline miles earned are good on any airline at any time

    In a movie commercial during this show, what happened to Naomi Watts and her son?
    * Troubled by evil, paranormal entity
    * "The Ring Two"

    In a commercial during this show, what did an announcer discuss as a waitress carried dishes in a restaurant and close-ups of food being cooked were shown? Limited time menus, NOT Red Lobster
    * Chili's Bar and Grill
    * Flame Grilled Steak and Orange Chicken

    In a commercial during this show, what did an announcer say several people, including a man who wanted to "share his private e-mail with the general public" and a woman who discussed "vulnerability", were doing?
    * Asking for Internet computer virus
    * America Online
    * Offers free virus protection
    Last edited by Janfz; 03-11-2005 at 10:32 AM.

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    melissa_2000's Avatar
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    Re: CSI 3/11 (17 questions)

    What did Sara do after Sandra Acheson closed the door?
    NOT Asked Brass to let her try talking woman-to-woman to her
    NOT Demanded Brass back her up to get raise for long hours

    How did Sara compare the hotel murder to a crime five years prior?
    Had "same signature"

    What did Sara say about searching the hotel manager's car without a warrant?
    Was following hunch

    What did Brass say about "forethought" when interviewing the hotel manager?
    Separates psychopath from heat-of-the-moment killer

    What did Mia say tainted DNA evidence on a paper cup?
    Coffee shop reused lid

    What did Sandra Acheson do when she thought the police had left?
    NOT checked her reflection
    Last edited by melissa_2000; 03-11-2005 at 05:23 PM.
    Be nice to your mail carrier,,put up a HUGE mailbox so it will hold all your freebies!!!!

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