American Chopper 1/4(Leno Bike) 3900+pts REPEAT
What did Paulie say he did to the gas tank?
Closed the gap
Why did Rick say he liked working with Paulie?
Took extra time on his work
What did Justin say about putting on the graphics?
Would be challenging
What did Jay Leno do when he got on the bike?
Shook Paul's hand
What did Paul say about appearing on Jay Leno?
Was very nervous
What did Paul do as he worked on a hub cap?
Sang a rock song
How did the men from the army base get to the chopper shop?
Drove in M1 tank
Why did Paulie say they were running late?
Had problem with carburator
What did Paul do while in the dressing room?
NOT slept on couch
What did Paul say Jay Leno would do when he received the bike onstage?
Feel like its Christmastime
What did Rick do after he drilled the fender?
Blew dust off it
What did Vinnie do after he put the last headlight on the bike?
Said she's ready to run
What did Paulie do to Vinnie before work?
Asked to punch him
What did the crew do to annoy Paul?
Flicked a nut at him
In a DVD/VHS commercial during this show, where were a man and a woman stranded?
Middle of the ocean
Open Water
In a commercial during this show, what was a couple who discussed credit cards doing as part of their anniversary celebration, while a horde of barbarians charged in to attack?
Receiving massages at a luxury spa
Capital One
Interest rate is set at prime and there is no annual fee
In a commercial during this show, what happened in fast-forward as electronic funk music played and an SUV drove and parked in different urban settings?
SUV's trunk was packed and a girl played video games
Hyundai Tucson
Nicely equipped for $17,499
Last edited by melissa_2000; 01-05-2005 at 05:04 PM.
Be nice to your mail carrier,,put up a HUGE mailbox so it will hold all your freebies!!!!
01-05-2005 05:00 PM
Circuit advertisement