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    American Chopper 12/25 9:00 (David Mann Bike Pt 1) 3900+ pts REPEAT

    What did Mikey observe about his father while he was working on "Smiling Sunshine"?
    Looked like he “opened a Christmas present”

    What did Paul do to help inspire the design of the tribute bike?
    Brought calendars back from rally

    How did Rick solve the handlebar problem?
    Reversed their direction

    What did Vince do when Paul got frustrated with Mikey?
    Stepped in to help

    What did Paul and Rick do to innovate the tank design?
    Molded two tanks together

    What did Paul do for Mikey?
    Escorted him to dentist
    Hummer H2

    What did Mikey do when his operation was over?
    Told nurse he loved her

    What did Mikey do with Paul's trailer?
    Loaded cargo to take back to shop

    What did Paul do to make handlebar fabrication more efficient?
    Used plastic tubing for reference

    What did Paul and his entire office staff do together?
    Attended motorcycle show

    What did Paul say made him late to the shop?
    Had to travel far to get breakfast

    Why did Paul love the Sturgis rally?
    Was located in “America’s heartland”

    What was the problem with the handlebars when Paul and Rick first put them on?
    Jutted out in sharp edge

    What misjudgment did Paulie make regarding the tribute bike?
    Thought it was going to be exact duplicate

    What advantage did Rick say a light fender had over a heavier grade?
    Made bike faster

    What did Paul do with his old motorcycle?
    NOT rode it in parade

    What did Paul jokingly become upset at Rick for doing?
    Reading book
    Hummer H2

    In a commercial during this show, what animal was featured as two pieces of construction equipment faced off in a rock quarry?
    Caterpillar Compact
    Call 1-888-OWN-A-CAT

    Last edited by melissa_2000; 12-26-2004 at 03:31 PM.
    Be nice to your mail carrier,,put up a HUGE mailbox so it will hold all your freebies!!!!

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