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    Kevin Hill 11/10 9:00PM 4000+pts

    What did Kevin do in the courtroom that caused the judge to send him home?
    *Sneezed frequently

    What did a police officer say to the judge at Nicolette's hearing?
    *Asked for Nicolette's number

    What did Kevin do when Sarah would not stop crying in her cradle?
    *Checked her temperature

    How did Sarah wake Kevin up when he was asleep in a chair?
    *Threw octopus at him

    What did Nicolette say was the reason she had not yet gone on vacation?
    *Got jaywalking ticket

    What did Veronica do to Dame in the bar after the case had been decided?
    *Kissed him

    What did George say was the reason he didn't answer Kevin's calls?
    *Was at theater

    What did Veronica do in the courtroom to establish Heather's solid character?
    *Pulled out yearbook

    What did Heather say happened when she walked into her first college classroom?
    *Realized she wanted to teach

    What did Dame do that made a man in a bunny costume angry?
    *Poked his stomach

    What did George say happened to Sarah when she went to play in the "ball pit '?
    *Caught fever

    What did Veronica say was the reason Heather was fired from her job?
    *Had been in adult films

    What did Kevin do to prevent Veronica from hanging up on him?
    *Bought video camera


    In a movie commercial during this show, what was unique about a baby?
    *Possessed evil tendencies
    *"Seed of Chucky"

    In a commercial during this show, what did a man discuss after clocks on a screen behind him began ringing?
    *Schick Quattro
    *Close shave

    In a commercial during this show, what did a woman who stretched and ran up stadium stairs for exercise do that an announcer took exception with
    *Used abrasive toothpaste
    *Arm & Hammer Advance White
    *Gently dissolves stains

    In a commercial during this show, what did a silver car drive through while an announcer compared the car to works of art?
    *Painted scenes of flowers, athletes, and jazz musicians
    *Well-engineered, stylish, and low-priced

    In a commercial during this show, what were children doing while three women dressed casually and then in formal gowns watched?
    *Playing on playground
    *Give a hand

    In a commercial during this show, what did a curly-haired blonde girl do as her father recorded her with a video camera in their home?
    *Played with plush toy
    *Love to Walk Baby Pooh
    *Responds to commands

    In a commercial during this show, what did two black birds observe and comment on while perched on a birdbath in the front yard of a house?
    *Woman cleaning her kitchen
    *Windex Multi Task
    *Use on any surface

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    Re: Kevin Hill 11/10 9:00PM 4000+pts

    In a commercial during this show, what group of people, who were "on the road a lot," was a man addressing when he told them to send their wives pictures of their "pretty face" and to demonstrate "that you're working hard"?

    -Men in cowboy hats
    -Sprint PCS
    -Starting price is just $29.99

    In a commercial during this show, what did attractive women do in locations including a room with a fireplace and a room full of hanging lanterns as an announcer mentioned giving a collection a "new twist"?
    *Modeled lingerie
    *Victoria's Secret
    *very sexy push-up

    In a commercial during this show, what did a man in a light brown shirt and a woman with curly hair discuss in a restaurant while deciding which credit card to pay the check with?
    *Being turned down for home loan
    *Fannie Mae Foundation
    *List of lenders and credit counselors

    In a movie commercial during this show, what did Renée Zellweger attempt to do?
    *Manage her relationships
    *"Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason"

    In a commercial during this show, what did an announcer discuss as people, such as a young man in bed, a farmer and a businessman, used wireless devices?
    *Company expanding services
    * Cingular Wireless
    * Make wireless phones more versatile and powerful

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    Re: Kevin Hill 11/10 9:00PM 4000+pts

    In a commercial during this show, what kind of cartoon animal turned into a children's learning toy?

    -Hasbro Creativity Table from Play-Doh
    -Lets kids use imagination

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