Manhunt 11/7 @ 7:00 pm (18 Q's) 4,200+ pts.
The Search for America's Most Gorgeous Male Model/THANKS O/P
What did Bruce Hulse say he knew Jason wasn't doing?
*Crying backstage
What did Kevin O. say was his initiation into modeling?
*Having chest shaved
What did Kimberly Metz say Hunter needed to do?
*Be more masculine
What did Kimberly Metz tell Matt to do?
*"Lay off the beer."
What did Matt say he was going to do after leaving the show?
*Work on acting career
What did Bruce Hulse say Jon needed to do?
*Get rid of pimple
What did Courtney Kendall say was the reason she wouldn't hire Rob?
*Was too pretty
What did Courtney Kendall say about Jason?
*Seemed uncomfortable
What did Kevin P. say about Kevin O.?
*Wasn't versatile
What did Maurice say about Paulo?
*Was very precise
What criticism did Kimberly Metz have about Paulo's looks?
*Hair was thinning
What did Paulo say "everyone" did before a photo shoot?
*Took water pill
What did the fake advertising executives ask Maurice to do in his interview? Thanks gibber!
*Perform push-ups
What did Kevin O. do while modeling during his interview with fake advertising executives?
*Said he felt like a "superhero"
*Aston Martin
What did Matt do during his interview with the fake advertising executives?
*Used table as runway
What happened during Paulo's meeting with the fake advertising executives?
*Didn't know meaning of word
What did the men do as Jon read the first task?
*Sat around and ate breakfast
*The Standard Hotel
What did Paulo say before he began his photo shoot?
*Was happy to control his own hair
What did Rob say was the reason he decided to model designer toilet paper?
*Wanted something challenging
What did Maurice say after modeling in his photo shoot?
*Thought attention would be on him
What did Bruce Hulse say was the only way to stay fit?
*Don`t overeat and exercise
*Bally Total Fitness
11-08-2004 05:22 AM
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