Thread: ER~11/4 9:59pm

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    Liverpool,NY "Remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
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    ER~11/4 9:59pm

    What did Ray do before he finished examining Lucas?
    *Asked for his autograph

    What did Juan do while Neela tried to give him a diagnosis?
    *Talked to himself

    What did Jane tell Neela an uncooperative patient had done to her?
    *Yelled at her in Chinese

    What did Abby say she did every shift?
    *Fantasized about working in a tollbooth

    What did Juan tell Neela he had done in the morning?
    *Forgotten to eat breakfast

    What did Urbanus do when Abby told him she was "trying to embrace uncertainty"?
    *Remarked that she hadn't eaten

    What did Dubenko do to Abby, Ray, and Neela in the hall?
    *Lectured them on atoms

    What did Abby do while she was on the phone that made Dubenko angry?
    *Played with her hair

    What did Pratt instruct the interns and medical students to do when they arrived for work?
    *Discharge twenty-five patients

    What did Ray do as he passed Neela in the hall?
    *Offered her chocolate

    What did Abby say about the way Dubenko made her feel?
    *Gave her the "creeps"

    In a commercial during this show, what did a family, whose outfits complemented the gold color of their surroundings, do as "Joy to the World" played?
    *Set dining room table for holiday meal
    *"Get festive"

    In a commercial during this show, what did a couple who danced and a family of three all do in black and silver rooms while wearing black and silver outfits as a rap version of "Joy to the World" played?
    *NOT-Exchanged CDs & DVDs

    In a commercial during this show, what did a young woman in a store daydream about doing for an older man in a violet track suit who lived across the street from her?
    *Giving him tiny snowman & dog toy
    *12.95 with purchase of three cards

    In a commercial during this show, how did a cartoon smiley face wearing black gloves and a bow tie arrive at a retail store?
    Drove a red sports car
    Low prices

    In a commercial during this show, what did a man and a woman do on numerous days in an attempt to outwit one another in order to drive a silver SUV to work?
    *Tried to wake up first
    *Mercury Mariner
    *Is fun to drive

    In a commercial during this show, what happened after a dark-haired man sat at a café table, watched an attractive blonde eat a strawberry, and then handed her a pack of gum?
    *Brunette came and hit him on the head
    *Dentyne Tango
    *Has intense bold taste

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